Community Board Members Want Parking Lot Under Willy Bridge Into a City Park

wb.jpgA city-owned parcel of land along the water next to the Domino Sugar factory should be transformed into a city park, local officials said.

“It’s a complete waste to have trucks parked along one of the most beautiful views in the entire world,” said Williamsburg Community Board 1 member Evan Thies.

The proposed parkland at 390 Kent Ave. is currently the site of a parking lot and a maintenance shop for the Departments of Transportation and Citywide Administrative Services.

“The city does this a lot,” said Councilman David Yassky (D-Williamsburg). “They own a lot of waterfront property, much of it being used for facilities that do not need to be on the water – everything from salt piles to tow pounds to plain old storage.”

A new condo development slated for the old sugar plant is expected to include 2,200 apartments – only adding to the dire need for more green space in the neighborhood, say community leaders.

The neighborhoods of Williamsburg and Greenpoint have among the fewest park acres per residents, officials said.

Thies said turning the waterfront lot into a park could be included in the Domino rezoning hearings scheduled to begin as early as the end of the year.

A spokeswoman for the City Planning Department, which will oversee the rezonings, did not rule out turning the lot into a park. “We’d be happy to look at the proposal,” said city planning spokeswoman Jennifer Torres.

(Source: NY Daily News)

One Response

  1. it will increase property values for the heimishe owners of nearby commercial properties. then they can maske them into residential conversions, and rent / sell them to the yuppies moving into that part of williamsburg. some people will complain, but the rebbes already own that land (including some i personally about.)

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