Mezuzah Hanging At The Olympic Village

oly.jpgMonday afternoon, Rabbi Shimon Freundlich, Chabad Shliach in Beijing, China and the IOC (International Olympic Committee) and BOCOG’s (Beijing Olympic Committee) officially appointed Rabbi of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, blessed the Israeli Olympic team with success and safety as he hung Mezuzos on all the apartments in the Olympic Village where the Israeli athletes and delegation will be staying.

The event was attended by the president and Mankal of the Israeli National Olympic Committee and members of the Israeli Olympic team as well as the Israeli Ambassador to Beijing, His Excellency Amos Nadai and his Deputy D.J. Schneeweiss who worked side by side with Rabbi Freundlich to ensure that a Rabbi would be on hand at all times in the Olympic Village.

Rabbi Freundlich will be spending the Olympic period in the new Shul that was purposely built in the Olympic Village to make sure that every Jewish Delegate and athlete should have a place to connect with their Judaism despite being far from home.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. i’m not quite sure why’s they need a mezuzah there – they won’t be there for 30 days, the required “waiting period” before a mezuzah is put on in chutz l’aaretz (as the Olympics starts on Aug 6, and ends Aug 24, according to the official schedule)

  2. I am not an expert but some of the interesting questions posed here influenced me to look up some things.

    According to, “The obligation to install a Mezuzah applies only after thirty days. However, it is obviously preferred not to be without a Mezuzah, therefore the Chabad custom is to affix all of the mezuzahs immediately upon occupancy, without reciting the blessing. Once the 30-day period has elapsed, one of the mezuzahs (from room that has a door) should be removed, checked and replaced. That mezuzah may also be replaced or upgraded. The proper blessing is then recited while having in mind the other mezuzahs as well.”

    Please note, I am not poskinning at all. I am merely posting a possible answer to the questions posed here by some posters.

  3. For all tjose who question the need for it:

    You dont need, but its a good thing. Its a shimra!! Does anyone need a reminder about the Olyimpics in Germany???

  4. the RAV HARASHI of beijing has decided to put up a mezuzah, and you are arguing?

    anyway, nothing wrong with putting up a mezuza before 30 days

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