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NEVER TOO LATE: World War II Veteran Gets His Bris At 96 Years Old [VIDEO]

A 96-year-old World War II veteran who had not merited to receive his bris at its proper time, finally had the procedure performed at the Chabad-led Jewish Russian Community Center (JRCC) of Willowdale in Toronto last Thursday evening.

Armin Konn was born in a Ukrainian village in 1926 and raised under the existing oppressive communist regime. As a teenager, he fought against the Nazis alongside other partisans in 1942-43 before joining the Red Army’s Air Force.

In 1944, his plane was shot down over Lithuania. He was captured and placed in a Nazi prison camp, where he spent the remainder of the war.

At his Thursday bris, he likely became the oldest person since Avraham Avinu to receive his bris milah. And like his forefather, he too was named Avraham.

“R’ Avraham is easily one of the most inspirational people I have ever met,” Rabbi Dr. Avi Rosenberg, the mohel who performed the bris, told YWN. “Before doing anything, we had to ensure that the ‘rach hanimol’ could undergo the procedure, and when I explained to him that he had to be cleared medically, he was taken aback, not understanding why medical clearance was necessary for something that to him was little more than a ‘minor procedure.'”

As the various hurdles standing in the way of performing the bris were overcome one by one, Rabbi Yisroel Zaltzman of the JRCC had a baby boy, and preparations were made to perform both brissim at the same time.

“Remarkably, his bris was one of the smoothest I’ve ever been a part of,” Rabbi Dr. Rosenberg said. “We truly had the helping hand of Eliyahu HaNavi with us at every step.”

Following his bris and that of the newborn, R’ Avraham sat and entertained the nearly 200 attendees of his bris seuda well into the night. He had been planning to drive himself home afterwards, but others insisted on providing him a ride. And the next morning, he was seen shopping at a grocery at 7:30 am.

“He is a truly remarkable yid,” Rabbi Rosenberg said. “If only I had half the kochos he does…”

Since the 96-year-old Avraham’s bris, many others in the Toronto community who have been hesitant about undergoing the procedure themselves have expressed increased interest in getting it done.

R’ Avraham not only got his own bris performed, but through his brave action is bringing others into the bris of Avraham Avinu.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Yisro was likely older when he received his Bris. It was definitely after the Jews left Mitzrayim. Remember that he was one of Paroah’s main advisors when Moshe was a baby, so he couldn’t have been a newborn himself. So he had to be at least 16 when he was an advisor, which isn’t a stretch.

  2. @DaMoshe: You may be correct, but you need to base it off various Midrashim, whereas Avraham Avinu’s age is clearly stated in the Torah. This is similar to the fact that Yocheved was way older than Sarah when she gave birth to Moshe Rabbenu (130 vs. 90), yet is not considered a miracle as it is not clearly stated in the Torah but “only” found in Medrash.

  3. DaMoshe !! So what are your intentions, by stupidly displaying to us us, your biblical knowledge ??!!

    Why jump in, during such an amazing moment, with such, untimely nonsence !. KEEP YOUR GREATNESS TO YOUSELF PLEASE AND CELEBRATE THIS MOMENT and FORGET ABOUT YISRO FOR NOW.

  4. Yisro may have been older, but what were his nisayonos? a management meeting @ Pharaoh, figure out that avoda zara is nothing, go to sleep late worrying about daughters not being able to feed sheep on time due to his rejection of A’Z. Now this guy – a year under Nazi and almost 100 years under Commies from Stalin to Putin … probably every day was a nisayon.

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