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WILD: California Reparations Panel Approves $1.2 MILLION Payments to Black Residents

The California Reparations Task Force has voted to recommend that qualifying black residents receive payments of up to $1.2 million from the state, and that California should issue a formal apology to black residents for years of discrimination.

“Reparations are not only morally justifiable, but they have the potential to address long-standing racial disparities and inequalities,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, who is running to succeed Dianne Feinstein in the US Senate.

The recommendation of the panel categorizes payments based on specific types of historical discrimination. For example, black residents impacted by redlining from banks would be entitled to receive $3,366 for each year of their California residency between the early 1930s and late 1970s. This could add up to a maximum of $148,099.

Under the proposed plan, Black residents could be eligible to receive around $2,352 as compensation for mass incarceration and over-policing for every year of their California residency from 1970 to 2020. These payments could add up to $115,260.

The New York Times analyzed the plan and concluded that a Black Californian who is 71 years old and has lived in the state their entire life could receive up to $1.2 million through these and other payments included in the plan.

The panel’s vote was solely a recommendation to the state legislature and does not carry any legal authority.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. As an African-American descending Jew, myself, with my family having come from the part of Africa currently known as Egypt, I am elated to apply for this money.

  2. How many 71 year old blacks are there in California?
    So they will probably need $1 trillion, maybe $2 trillion to cover everyone eligible.
    What’s $2 trillions for democrats in 2024 anyway!

  3. I think that the black tribal chiefs that sold them to the white man should foot some of the bill for these payments. Their brothers and sisters would appreciate it.

  4. WILD: “California Reparations Panel Approves $1.2 MILLION Payments to Black Residents”.
    That is absolutely not what the Panel approved.
    The headline is misleading and bordering on an outright lie.
    1) Who is the California Reparations Panel and how did they get to these figures?
    2) Would every Black resident get it ? No. Need to be prove that they are a descendant of slaves or a “free Black person living in the United States prior to the end of the 19th century.
    3) Is the panel’s recommendation automatic or is there a long process before anything they recommend becomes a law? Long, long process in the legislature.
    4) Which other ethnic group received reparations recently in America? Japanese Americans
    5) If the state of California harmed a ethnic group financially why shouldn’t they pay them?
    6) 1.2 million is only in certain circumstances.

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