SEE IT: Protesters Block NYC Subway Station To Protest Homeless Man’s Death

What’s the best way to protest the tragic death of a man infamous for harassing and inconveniencing subway riders? Harassing and inconveniencing more subway riders, of course.

Protesters gathered Saturday in the 63rd Street-Lexington Avenue subway station to protest the death of Jordan Neely, who died after being placed in a chokehold by a passenger last week.

Neely’s death has sparked race-tinged calls for riots, despite there being no evidence that his race had anything to do with his demise.

“No justice, no peace!” The protesters shouted, standing on the train tracks. “Abolish the police!” they added for good measure, though police actions had literally no role on Neely’s death.

“What do we do?” a protester yelled into a microphone. “Stand up, fight back!”

Police eventually got the protesters off the tracks, allowing a waiting Q train to roll into the station, but the protesters blocked the passengers on board from disembarking.

In one mind-boggling video, a black man is seen being blocked from getting off the train, as the man begs police and the protesters to let him go on with his day.

Several of the protesters eventually became aggressive with police officers, leading to them being tackled and arrested.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. It’s a shame the train came to a halt. It should of kept on going. People on the train had to get to their destinations on time. These lowlife transgender democrats had no right to inconvenience others.

  2. All the way to the left is a rail with a cover on it, they should all stand on it so everyone can see them better

  3. they shouldn’t be killed for protesting, but a month of house arrest is proportional punishment for these antics

  4. It is so good that Neely died; he really needed it. And I agree with Ngi, tragic that the subway train didn’t run over the protesters like the human vermin that they are. May HaKadosh Baruch Hu bring them all to suffering and death, both in this world and the next.

  5. These leftist lunatics are protesting the death of a piece of meat that just 1 day earlier was trying to push someone onto subway tracks, and now they are pushing themselves onto subway tracks:- That “Q” Train should have simply entered the station & run them all over.
    These despicable leftists are infinitely more heinous & wicked & evil than any of the January 6th Protestors, and bragg should be arresting & permanently locking up every single one of these savage subway protestors.

  6. Marxist – the rails that the trains roll on are not electrified. There is a larger, covered rail that the train connects to to power the train on the side of the rails.

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