BEAUTIFUL: Gorgeous Pesach Seder Held By The Tantzers On Pesach Sheini [MUST SEE THIS VIDEO]

A stunningly beautiful Pesach seder was held last week in Brooklyn, replete with joyous singing and dancing.

No, this article wasn’t written a month late.

On Thursday night, Pesach Sheini, The Tantzers organized a full-fledged Pesach seder for people who, due to medical situations, were unable to have a Pesach seder last month.

The seder was indistinguishable from a regular one. The men dressed in kittelach and children recited mah nishtana; the 4 cups of wine were imbibed by all; the merry sounds of Hallel and Nirtzah could be heard late into the night. The Seder was graced by the presence of HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff of Agudah of Avenue L.

The seder offered not only a glimpse at what others’ sedorim might look like but also demonstrated – in a most emotional and touching way – the lengths The Tantzers went in order to bring the joy of Pesach to those who would have otherwise been unable to celebrate it.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Maskil are you a dayan? You have no idea what AMAZING things this organization does ! I am jealous of their zechusim! By the way not that it’s any of your business but they don’t move without Das Torah! Stop judging other people ! Instead devote your time to work with organizations like this !

  2. if harav Moshe tuvia leiff was there I am positive it was not a problem with music music is only for unnecessary things this event was a doraysa for those who could not have a proper Seder the first time bh

  3. Smeth
    In what world is the Seder that we keep a “doraysa” it hasn’t been a d’oraysa since the churban
    And how can pesach sheni be a d’orasah if there is no korban pesach

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