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Double Mazal Tov! CA Shluchim Have 4th Set Of Twins

A fourth set of twins was born recently to Rabbi Shimon and Chani Gruzman, Chabad shluchim in Castro Valley, California, the J.Jewish News of Northern California reported.

The Gruzmans now have eight children – all in pairs. There are three sets of fraternal twins and one identical pair – seven girls and one boy.

There are twins in Shimon’s family but none in Chanie’s so her family makeup has been surprising.

“I do think sometimes it’s crazy,” said Chanie. “But by now — the fourth one — I think I was ready for this one. The other three? I think we were like, no way, not again?”

“We had the funniest conversations before they were born,” Chanie said of her newborns. “I didn’t tell [my kids] that they were twins. But my kids are like, that’s a given in the family. It’s just a given.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Mazel Tov
    Lubavitch has a lot of (older)girls. Because they also believe that boys start Shidduchim only at age 23. They are the only Chasidus that suffers from the Shidduch Crisis of the girls . For their own good they should start Shiduchim with the boys younger.

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