WILD FOOTAGE: Police Officer Nearly Struck By Careening BMW Going 120 MPH

In a terrifying incident later described as “miraculous,” a police officer in the Washington, D.C., suburbs was lucky to escape with his life after an out-of-control vehicle came spinning towards him as he conducted an unrelated traffic stop.

Footage of the incident, captured on the officer’s police cruiser camera, shows the officer going through his protocols after stopping a BMW that had been speeding on the Fairfax County Parkway. As he spoke to the driver from the passenger side, another BMW is seen careening towards him from across the median at a blistering 120 mph.

The spinning BMW strikes the larger sedan and then spins into the police officer’s vehicle. The officer, caught in between, somehow manages to get out of the way without being clobbered.

“Cool, calm and collected, he hops over that guardrail and immediately gets on the radio,” Police Chief Kevin Davis said at a press conference.

Three teenagers who were in the out-of-control, high performance M3 BMW were somehow barely hurt, while the officer and the driver of the vehicle he had stopped were treated at a hospital for relatively minor injuries and released. The 17-year-old who caused the wreck was cited for reckless driving.

“It’s quite the story for him to eventually tell,” Davis said of the police officer. “But right now, he’s just glad to be alive.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Unbelievable!
    Somebody (chabad?) find out if this guy is Jewish. If he is, he’s gotta Bentch
    Goimel big time.

  2. @Bklyntrucker That has got to have been the absolute STUPIDEST comment ever made in the history of comments.

    Baruch Hashem everyone was okay.

  3. Enough with these unnecessary traffic stops all over the place. In most cases they are much more of a hazard than the infraction the stopped person is being cited for.

  4. Bklyntrucker and chaya13 From this very video we can see how necessary it is to have cops on the highways making sure people are driving safely. Drive safe and and be well.

  5. If he was jewish he would not bench gomel. Rav Shlomo Zalman ztz’l paskens if the bullet hits the ankle he benches gomel -if it misses the head by a milimeter he does not bench gomel. However if the bullet misses the head by a milimeter he should say nishmas kol chay….

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