WATCH: Trump Says He Was “First” To Say COVID Came From Wuhan Lab; Also Says It Was Chinese Revenge

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

In a recent interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin, former US President Donald Trump spoke regarding the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic. Trump shifted from blaming China’s incompetence for the virus to suggesting that the Chinese government intentionally released the virus to sabotage his reelection campaign in 2020.

During the interview, Trump expressed frustration that he did not receive enough credit for his administration’s handling of the pandemic. He then claimed that he was one of the first people to suggest that the virus may have originated from a lab leak in China.

Trump then went on to suggest that China may have intentionally released the virus in order to retaliate against his administration’s heavy-handed economic policy. He implied that China wanted him out of office and that the tariffs and taxes he imposed on China could have been a motivating factor behind the virus’s release.

“Nobody knew what it was. We heard stories, China, I was probably the first one. I said it came from the lab in Wuhan. I knew that. For one thing, you saw body bags all over the place around that lab. There were body bags all over that area, and nobody talks about it. But in Wuhan, you had, through satellite pictures and other things, you had pictures of body bags all over the place. And you could see little lines, you know, from way up, but they couldn’t be anything else. But I said, and I’ve said right from the beginning, it was the lab in Wuhan. It got out. It got out of the lab. I think it was incompetence, I really believe it was incompetence.

“People said I was charging China so much money in tariffs and taxes and a lot of people said they did it to get me out.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Trump still doesn’t understand that when he placed tariffs of Chinese products American consumers are the ones paying the increased prices, not the Chinese. Tariffs are to make imported items more expensive making domestically produced items competitive. He still doesn’t understand.

  2. So Trump’s revenge was Operation Warped President whereby he unleashed a deadly vaccine on the world. All of this meshugaas from the world’s most “unstable genius”.

  3. It’s so horrible to contemplate but if true it really worked out for them. They are Godless communists without any scruples

  4. Ridiculous! There still is no evidence that it came from a lab (a “low confidence” Dept of Energy raising the possibility is not evidence) while there is mounting evidence that it came from an animal carrier. Does he think China wanted to kill millions of their own people as well as lose trillions of dollars due to lockdowns and general economic stagnation just to get back at him? And, even if he turns out to be right, it was in no reason because he could realize “the truth” better. He wanted this to be from China to shield blame from himself while the evidence is not there.

  5. This is so gross! They did the same with the spanish flu, it came from us military bases but called it the spanish flu to mislead people.

  6. President Donald Trump שליט”א is such an amazing פיקח and so correct.
    This is exactly why we so frantically & desperately must have President Donald Trump שליט”א back in the White House come Noon 1/20/2025

  7. There are a lot of things that need to be clarified here.
    1)The first cases were found in the USA, therefore no one can state it was a “leak” from a lab, in China or elsewhere!
    2) Trump signed the China Initiative, check it out. It’s nothing but a discriminatory policy based on blattant lies.
    3) China became an economic super power and is giving a significant financial relief to all the countries that were kept on a leash, by the USA, because of those artificials debts.
    4) China dethroned the USA and its currency is much stronger and reliable than the dollar.
    It helped all those countries and their population to keep their head above water, is this a crime? If so, China is guilty.
    Trump, you are a cynical liar, you are insulting our intelligence and those lies are backfiring at you.

  8. He was also the “first” to say: “perhaps we can find a way to “inject” bleach as it helps getting rid of the virus”, as a result of this, some people ended up drinking bleach, the poison center had to warn people not to use bleach for preventive treatments…
    Don’t you see he’s making a fool of you and he’s the one dictating that revenge that his masters want so badly!

  9. So China sent a virus that killed over 1.1 million Americans and trump didn’t do anything. Trump is weak

  10. Just to explain what he’s saying:
    Because of the china virus, the democrats were able to engineer millions of mail in ballots in Philly and Atlanta

  11. There may be a private room reserved at FCI Otisville or FCI Butner Medium II for Donald Trump, שליט”א

  12. Trump was the one to declare a “State of Emergency” and initiate the shutdown policy, which remained in effect until he left office, and which he could have cancelled at any time (but like a good “big government” politician, he couldn’t give up all the extra powers he had claimed, and ended up leaving them to Biden).

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