Maimonides Medical Center Unveils Two New Glatt Kosher Kitchens [PHOTOS]

Maimonides Hospital officially cut the ribbon last week, on two brand-new kitchens at its main campus, Maimonides Medical Center. The new kitchens are Glatt Kosher, adhering to the strictest rules of Kashrus, with all food prepared under the strict supervision of the Maimonides Rabbi and mashgichim.

An enhanced dining program has been launched alongside the new kitchens, providing patients with an expansive menu of nutritious and nourishing meals, all of which will be freshly prepared. The menu will cater to a wide variety of dietary and healthcare needs, including low-sodium and low-protein meal options.

As part of the new dining program, a Patient Ambassador will now visit each patient’s room to discuss menu options and take food orders, providing bedside diet education and a warm and personal interaction during every meal.

The century-old anchor institution is rooted in providing culturally sensitive care, which includes meeting the special dietary and healthcare needs of the Orthodox Jewish, Chinese-American, and many other diverse communities. The all-kosher menu, which is translated into multiple languages, includes a wide range of international cuisines and dishes as well as a variety of vegetarian and plant-centric menu meals and locally sourced bread, including gluten-free options.

“Improving and expanding the hospital’s meal offerings and changing the expectations of all of our patients, staff, and visitors has long been a priority. Eating good, nutritious food is integral to a high-quality hospital experience, and we hope that all of our patients will enjoy the restaurant-quality menu and food choices,” said Maimonides Health CEO Ken Gibbs.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. please stop using the term “glatt kosher” to mean something that it doesn’t. like when it’s used on something that’s clearly marked “dairy”.

  2. I rather the hospital be more “glatt” mediacaly and ethically. The last 3 years proved they (most, not just Maimo), were anything but glatt.

  3. Can someone please explain to me. Wasn’t the hospital “glatt “ kosher all along?
    Is this for a cafeteria? The article mentions patients…

  4. I never understood it. If hospital cannot bill for food, then it’s ok for it to be inedible? Poor patients are in the hospital and they need to have edible food brought to them by relatives or bikkur cholim? Let Satmar bikkur cholim take over the kitchen… We will then have delicious heimishe food!

  5. Now that , that’s out of the way , let’s hope they can focus on employing competent surgeons , & residents . Also , stop denying patients the choice of being discharged . Yes , my experience 2 years ago Pesach !!!!

  6. Maimonidies has four times the expected mortality rate for certain diseases as Methodist (That means, the patients arrive in twice as bad shape, due to age or other factors, so that they are expected to die at four times the rate as Methodist) and has four times LOWER actual mortality rate. which means that they are doing much better than Methodist n these areas, mostly serious conditions such as heart disease and failures. Stop believing everything Louie Schiener told you. In addition, no other hospital would put up with half the shenanigans some in our community do in the hospitals when it comes to things like too many visitors, overstaying visiting hours, harassing overworked staff, etc. They have issues but aren’t the worst.

  7. Two points:
    2) this seems to be a cheap gimmick to try to win back support from the communities that they have harmed by poor care over the last few years.

    2) With their current meal delivery system, this is pretty much useless. The kosher trays are distributed alongside the non-kosher trays without being double sealed.
    You can have the most kosher meal possible, and then send it out unsupervised, and it is still problematic to eat.

  8. when will a frum askan and bal tzedaka be able to take it over, I heard Reb Lezer spoke so well to the roshei yeshiva last week here in lakewood and that is a zchus for him.

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