MOMENTUM GROWING: Adirei HaTorah Holds Asifa For Rabbanim Ahead Of Massive Maamad HaTorah [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

A splendorous asifa took place in Lakewood on Motzei Shabbos to honor the rabbanim of the Lakewood region, impress upon them the critical work of Adirei HaTorah, and to apprise them of the details of the upcoming maamad hatorah that will be taking place on June 4th at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia.

The asifa was the second of three critical gatherings being held by Adirei Hatorah ahead of the massive June 4th event, which, like last year’s asifa, is expected to attract more than 20,000 people. A previous event was held for the Roshei Chaburah of BMG, and a future event will be held for representatives of the dozens of shuls in Lakewood, Jackson, Toms River, Manchester, and beyond.

The motzei shabbos event included the participation of BMG Roshei Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlit”a, Rav Yeruchem Olshin shlit”a, Rav Dovid Schustal shlit”a, and Rav Yisroel Newman shlit”a, with the latter also addressing the attendees.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Thanks to YWN for showing their chashivus hatorah by removing the comments of all the “mei ahani lei rabbanan’s!!!

  2. @Learn Mussar: אין להתווכח עם אפיקורסים והם אפיקורסים כמו דאיתא בגמרא היכי דמי אפיקורס… וגם איתא בגמרא שאני מינות דמשכא וחז”ל אומרים כל הרואה סוטה בקלקולה…י. in short why go there, one isn’t allowed to even entertain their tzad for a rega…

  3. @lakewoodbtim: im not sure if your statement was said in sarcasm and to whom but if it was sarcasm and directed to me, this is my response: theres a huge difference between “i dont understand yilamdanu rebbeinu… torah hee vlilmod ani tzorech and on the other hand like the gemara in sanhedrin kuf yud amud alef says-hameharher acher rabo keilu meharher acher hashechinah…not to mention the litzanei hador that just make light of daas torah ect. !!!

  4. All I know is that I once heard from Rav Zelig Epstein Zatza”l that the first time he heard the term Daas Torah was form Rav Elya Svei…
    In the Mir (and probably the rest of Lita) they each had their rabbeim and used their seichel. There are no neviyim as far as teh gemaah says in Bava Basra…
    Not that I know what anyone wrote, and I truly admire the Roshei Yesivos of Lakewood who are all anashim chashuvim.

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