Florida Fights Antisemitism: Agudath Israel Applauds Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature for Taking an Important Step to Combat Antisemitism

Agudath Israel applauds Governor Ron DeSantis for taking a significant step in the fight against antisemitism by signing HB 269. The bill expands the definition of hate crimes and increases the penalties for such actions. The new definitions include the distribution of flyers, stalking, defacing graves and certain buildings, or projecting images on someone else’s property — if the act shows ethnic or religious animus.

“Governor DeSantis once again has shown that he is committed to fighting antisemitism, not just with words and condemnations, but with concrete action,” said Rabbi Moshe Matz, director of Agudath Israel’s Florida office. “The state of Florida was facing a very specific and targeted campaign from antisemites, and came together, in a bipartisan manner, to pass a bill introduced by Representative Mike Caruso and State Senator Alexis Calatayud that will hopefully put a stop to these displays of hate.”

The bill was introduced to directly target the recent wave of antisemitic incidents in Florida. Such incidents included the distribution of antisemitic materials on private property, displaying antisemitic messages on private buildings, and the harassment of Jews outside of a Chabad synagogue in Orlando.

Agudath Israel thanks Florida Representative Mike Caruso and State Senator Alexis Calatayud for introducing companion bills in the Florida House and Senate that passed unanimously.

Agudath Israel supported these bills from their introduction. In his testimony to the Florida Senate Criminal Justice Committee, Rabbi Avrohom Luban, associate director of Agudath Israel’s Florida office, explained the impact this hate has on the community and stressed its negative effect on children. “These are all real stories that are happening, and real concerns that we are faced with,” he said. “These and similar antisemitic incidents are increasing at unprecedented rate. We need to do something about it – we need something to change.”

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