HATE IN FLATBUSH: Maniac On Motorcycle Assaults Jewish Man In Front Of Young Child While Using Anti-Semitic Slurs [SEE VIDEO]

A Jewish man was the victim of a vicious assault and hate crime in Flatbush, Sunday afternoon.

Sources tell YWN that a Jewish man was accosted by a man driving a motorcycle on Ocean Parkway, and accused the Jewish driver of driving too slow. The suspect then followed the man until Avenue P and East 3rd Street, where the victim parked and exited his vehicle holding his young child’s hand. The suspect then parked his motorcycle, and beat the victim with his helmet, while yelling “you (expletive removed) Jew”. The suspect then fled on his motorcycle.

Flatbush Shomrim, the NYPD, and Flatbush Hatzolah all responded to the scene.

The victim suffered head and facial trauma and was transported by Hatzolah to the hospital.

Shormim and the NYPD are searching for the motorcycle, which is a black Harley Davidson, driven by a white male wearing a ‘half helmet”, sunglasses, and grey sweats.

The NYPD Hate Crimes is investigating as the man allegedly made anti-Semitic slurs.

Sources tell YWN that the NYPD is taking the incident seriously, and Detectives have been assigned to the case.




(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. The biggest reason why these thugs are acting up is because we live in a lawless society. This wouldn’t happen under Giuliani and Bloomberg because the cops in those days would crack skulls.

  2. Wanted for what?? As if the democranimals that rt, huju, katanhadorah and the other idiots on this site vote for would hold anyone accountable.

  3. Any Road Rage needs to corporal or even death penalty administered immediately {in addition to all driving licenses being irrevocably revoked for life}; all this in addition to severest of penalties for this being a hate crime.

  4. @1a2b3c
    Does wicked not qualify as manic to you?
    What about this choice of words was so bad that you are calling YWN ‘dishonest”?

  5. I just feel its important to mention,
    while I would have done no better had it been me, the safest thing to do from the get-go would have been to simply apologize and give in. This is Also the right way to do it in golus.
    That said, I completely empathize with this fellow yid, I would have (against my better judgement) done the very same.

  6. What is so sad and frustrating, is that we all know that even on the remote chance the NYPD will be successful in apprehending this filthy sewer rat, our leftist treasonous DemonRat District attorney’s and so called crime loving judges, will make sure this vermin will not serve any meaningful time in jail or any time at all.

    The filthy Marxist DemonRats have turned our cities and towns into lawless jungles, where the government supports the criminal murderers and rapist’s instead of it’s victims.And on top of that these filthy vermin want to make sure we are left defenceless by canceling the second amendment and confiscating guns from the law abiding citizens.

    Yes,you idiots keep voting DemonRat and you’ll be committing national suicide.
    Leftism equals crime death and destruction

  7. you want to live in America Jews, please do not complain to us in Israel….we can’t help you , you are harming Isreal….as for America, no Torah exists there and Hashem is Here……come home is the only answer, take your money, bring it out and see how America likes when all of the funds they count on have left the country…..do it now or it won’t be available when you want….Hitler is our marker

  8. “hate crimes” is a bad idea. so long as “thought crime” isn’t a punishable offence, it should make no difference whether he shouted racist slurs or kept his mouth shut. the real problem is that violent crimes, such as assault, aren’t punished severely enough to deter criminals.

  9. what difference does it make if hes caught ERIC GONZALEZ the Brooklyn DA is woke and literally said he does not believe in either incarceration or bail, however since the perp is not an illegal or a BLM guy there is a chance he might make higher charges, terrible DA in brooklyn dont believe the hype he “cares ” for the community

  10. Sara Rivka- We are sick and tired of being preached to by these Aliyah fanatics. There was a huge ramming attack which was much worse in Yerushalyim and covered at the top of YWN. ISRAELIS NOT SAFER! Stop the lies. I am sickened by these people who are just waiting for the slightest incident to start their fanatical, deceitful shtick.

  11. Yup! Berish, very well said.
    There isn’t a day with no terrorist attacks rchm”l in Eretz Yisroel, In Fact; history proved; Israel is not a safe country, and until Bias Mashiach we daven every day to Hashem that he should watch us and keep us safe wherever we are, is it E.Yisroel, America, Europe, and Hashem only He should bring us back home to Eretz Yisroel soon with Mashiach Tzidkeinu, and let us all say; amen!

  12. Israel was never safe even in the times of the יוונים, or when it was a client state of rome

    living in eretz yisroel is infinitely better than choosing deliberately to stay in chutz laaretz when you could be in eretz yisrael

    you golus yidden can live and die in shmutz laaretz if you want, but don’t expect Israel or the IDF to come help you when you need rescuing

  13. @Sara Rifka
    Your understanding of the mitvas Yeshivas Ha’aretz is very limited.
    Your comments are patronizing and foolish.
    Please stop with this garbage.

  14. Sara Rifka:
    There is plenty of Torah in the United States, all without the shmad of the Zionists.

    The only favor Jews need from Zionists is for the Zionists to stop pretending/lying to the world that Zionists represent Jews and for the Zionists to admit that they, Zionists, and their idolatrous ideology of Zionism, are diametrically opposed to Jews and Judaism.

    Baby Squirrel:
    Even YU’s Rabbi Herschel Schachter stated in a Zionist “Independence Day” lecture that a Jew should live wherever he can be the best Jew, which includes his shiurim, shuls, schools for children, et al.

    The shmad of Zionism is unfortunately world-wide, but it is unparalleled in the Zionist entity.

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