TIMELY: Important Announcement From Rav Yisroel Reisman Regarding Flatbush Mezuzah Checking Event

Rav Yisroel Reisman shlit”a is urging members of the Flatbush kehilla to stop bringing their mezuzos to a free checking event being held at Rav Hillel David’s shul due to overwhelming turnout.

The event, which is still ongoing as of this writing at Yeshiva Sharey Torah on E. 12th Street, already has a backlog of nearly 6,000 mezuzos. Additional sofrim will be arriving to assist with checking mezuzos, but even so, kehilla members are being told to wait for another event.

“I don’t want people to spend their time taking down their mezuzos and bringing them to the Shul when there is no possible way for them to be checked in a timely fashion,” Rabbi Reisman told YWN.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. At this point they must be taken back tonight and put back up. Not sure if checking will resume tomorrow.
    So i was told.

  2. I was there at the beginning.
    There was a sofer who was checking.
    A few of us tried to organize the line and the mezuzos to check
    For future events I suggest a person to be in charge of organizing the line and the gathering of mezuzos.

  3. Warning: This is a huge mistake to have all these mezuzot “checked” at the same place. I will tell you why later. If one mezuzah has been statued “non” kosher, first you need to see where it was bought, then you need to bring it to a second “fact checker”.

  4. I have to tell you about a troubling story I’ve experienced in Los Angeles. Our minag is to check the mezuzot before rosh hachana so I decided to bring them to this rabbi one told me about. I’m gonna try to make this as short as possible because others details may have serious consequences. Long story short, after taking 3 classes with this ‘rabbi’ I definitely felt something was off, and told him I’m no longer continuing those classes, he got upset and insisted for me to provide him a ‘valid reason’. I answered that it was probably just a level much higher than expected and asked for my mezuzot to be returned, he said they were checked and I paid for each of them. Then he told me one of them wasn’t kosher, I felt something was off and asked for more details. He showed me the picture of a mezuzah that wasn’t mine, and this was confirmed by the place where I bought it from. I was deeply shocked. I decided to call a rabbi just to mention the fake fact cheking situation. Couple minutes later, I received a call from him telling him he was known to be a dangerous and highly disturbed guy that I now have to protect myself from. Ok. This whole thing went crazy, I won’t go in details but I have to warn people: Stay away from Moshe Hafutah and Tal Perez (daas) Hananya Dahan, and the RCC (Avraham Mickael Union). There are unfortunately cases of speeding up divorces and going out for the freshly divorcee, attempt to abuse women sexually under some real mystical justifications and corruption from the RCC. Those are the main beth din of Los Angeles, I feel bad for the jewish community of Pico Robertson. It’s really unfortunate to let 2 beth din running, knowing these outrageous actions committed not just once but apparently each time people complained about them, they were bullied and ended up being gaslit. Just horrible.

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