CAN’T MAKE THIS UP: Congresswoman Praises Transportation Sec. Buttigieg For Development Of ‘Female Crash Test Dummies’

Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. (Graeme Jennings/Pool via AP, File)

The Biden administration’s Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, is under fire for allegedly investing critical taxpayer dollars into “female” crash test dummies. The revelation was made during a transportation committee hearing, where Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) disclosed that Buttigieg was planning to use funding to ensure that female dummies are used in vehicle crash testing.

DeLauro, who has written to Buttigieg about the issue before, argues that using female crash test dummies will help to address the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims. She contends that by using these dummies, it will be possible to ensure that women who crash their vehicles have a better survival rate.

The announcement has sparked outrage, with many questioning whether male and female anatomy is so different that female crash test dummies are necessary. Some have called the move ridiculous, with others arguing that it is a waste of taxpayer money.

Critics of the move argue that there are already existing regulations and standards in place that ensure the safety of all passengers, regardless of their gender. They contend that investing in female crash test dummies is unnecessary and a frivolous use of taxpayer dollars.

One question many are asking is what if a male dummy identifies as female? Or a female crash dummy identifies as male?

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. There is some validity to having smaller size crash test dummies as women are generally smaller than the mail crash test dummies. I would assume that seatbelts are situated differently on a woman’s torso and airbags would hit different body parts on a smaller person.

  2. DeLauro, who has written to Buttigieg about the issue before, argues that using female crash test dummies will help to address the gender inequity among vehicle safety and crash victims. She contends that by using these dummies, etc …

    The entire democrat party has become a bunch of woke Karen robotic dummies.

  3. Under the heading “Can’t Make This Up:” we must include this: if the picture shown is really of a legitimately elected representative, I’ve got a whole bunch of homeless people to line up for the roster of the next election. We may have to supply the paint hair, though…


  4. So behind the times, we need trans crash dummies, how dare she promote false gender stereotypes without asking the dummies pronouns!!!!

  5. To mr Doe. Umm what?
    Don’t you think that they already use a variety of sizes if necessary to account for different age people?
    This is just another example of stupid people in government. Now everything is about “equality” and “equity”. When they run out of one thing they come up with another. It will never end because that is how they stay relevant. They’re not interested in dealing with americas financial issues or international issues so they come up with nonsense to stay relevant

  6. There is definitely validity to using crash test dummies based on female anatomy, since women are not only smaller than men, but their body mass is distributed differently. Even a broken clock can be right twice a day…

    an Israeli Yid

  7. The representative is right! Being one herself, she understands how dummies think and operate. It’s incomprehensible that dummies like this can get elected! I guess the only requirement to get elected is being Democrat.

  8. The design of crash test dummies is a highly technical question that only a special subset of engineers can answer. It is not unreasonable for a member of Congress to ask whether all body types and sizes are properly convered in the dummy population (i.e., crash test dummy population, not Congress or the voters who choose them). The opening words of the headline are misguided. The final paragraph is funny.

  9. This is old news. Indeed the only news may be Buttigieg taking credit for something the auto industry did a long time ago. It isn’t exactly “rocket science” to realize the need for crush dummies to come in a variety of shapes and sizes reflecting the fact automobile passengers come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

  10. The headline is the wrong take on the problem with her speech. The problem with her speech is the wording she used. This crash test dummy is a scientific matter and from a scientific view males and females are different and there is indeed, and without doubt, the need for proper female crash test dummies (and Sweden announced at the end of 2022 that it has developed the first such dummy). The problem with her speech is that she uses gobbledygook language designed to bypass the scientific fact of the differences between males and females – and she wants to bypass that scientific fact because she belongs to the group that denies there is any difference between males and females. So this way it is not so obvious that while she denies there is a difference between males and females she also at the same time demanding accommodations for the difference between males and females.

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