Suspect Sought by Boro Park Shomrim After Breaking Into Home, Startling Resident Awake

A Boro Park resident was left shaken but thankfully unhurt after a burglar broke into her home on 18th Avenue and 49th Street in the wee hours of Thursday morning. The resident was startled awake at around 4:15 am by the sound of smashing glass.

Concerned about the sound, the resident remained in her room for several minutes before venturing out into the hallway, during which time it is believed the suspect made his getaway.

The resident called Boro Park Shomrim and reported what she heard, saying that she wasn’t sure whether there had been a burglary or not. Shomrim members responded to the scene within 90 seconds and quickly confirmed that a burglary had indeed taken place.

Additional units quickly began canvassing the area in search of the perp and a purse which the suspect had made off with. As members were canvassing for the perp, they found the purse and its contents scattered along 19th Avenue and quickly returned them to the owner.

The suspect managed to get away, but Shomrim and the NYPD are in hot pursuit of him.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. אלמלא מוראה של מלכות איש את רעהו חיים בלעו
    THERE is NO fear of getting caught so those headlines will become a daily news story

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