MI KIAMCHA YISROEL! “UNITED 95”: A Mind Boggling Example of Ahavas Yisroel And Epic Chesed

Thousands of frum Jews take the I-95 down to Florida each Pesach. For some, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime getaway; for others, it’s a yearly pilgrimage aimed at rejuvenating their spirits in the Sunshine State. But for all, the trek is the ultimate example of frum yidden looking out for one another.

More than a dozen years ago, Moshe Wulliger, a young but ambitious man, noted the massive numbers of community members traveling south each Pesach season and devised a plan to assist those who require help over the course of their trip. It was named “United 95.”

And by “help” he meant any type of assistance one could require when encountering difficulties over the long haul to Florida.

From help with car troubles to emergency medical assistance to ensuring people stay nourished and have a place to daven, United 95 does it all.

Though founded and coordinated by Moshe Wulliger, at its core United 95 has no leader. Instead, it is an unparalleled symbiotic gathering of people who don’t know each other but happen to be on the road at the same time and want to help out another yid.

United 95 now has thousands upon thousands of people signing up for its WhatsApp groups each Pesach season, including doctors, paramedics, Hatzolah members, Chaverim, and Shomrim members.

In the nearly 15 years since its founding, tens of thousands of travelers have come to rely on United 95, including numerous instances of people experiencing a medical emergency.

This year there were no serious medical incidents, but there was one mind-blowing occurrence which exemplifies the array of selfless services provided by United 95 participants.

When a family lost a critical medical device near on the side of a highway. Interstate Chaverim was contacted by the family, who in turn got in touch with United 95. Immediately, alerts went out to group emergency services members and travelers. Dozens upon dozens of people responded and went to the last known location of the device. They began searching the grass and shrubbery near the mile marker where it was last seen, and after exhaustive searching managed to find it. Yidden helping yidden, no questions asked.

In another incident, a vehicle carrying an entire family near Orlando broke down. They were stranded. A United 95 administrator was contracted and an alert was sent out. Chaverim members were there within minutes, and following numerous attempts to restore the car to working order, it was determined that the vehicle couldn’t go on.

Within minutes, other travelers chimed in, offering to take the family members and their luggage to their predestined locations for yom tov.

And there’s more.

“On behalf of myself, my husband and kids, I want to thank the administrators of this chat,” one traveler wrote on a United 95 chat.

“They went above and beyond today for my family and I am in awe at all the chesed that was displayed towards us…we broke down in North Carolina and several families stopped to help, ran to the store to get us oil to see if it would help, found rides for me and my kids and the ppl that took us back were so kind squishing us in, one family bought cold water for our family, helped with luggage…mi kiamcha yisroel!!!”

“I just got home this is the first time I鈥檓 on this group I have no words describe how beautiful this was the achdus the tefilos and everything keep it up we will iyh change this group to a group for directions to yerushlaim next year keep it up,” another wrote.

If you’re looking for a prime example of ahavas yisroel, you need look no further than United 95.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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