SEE IT: Elon Musk DESTROYS BBC Reporter, Calls Him “Liar” After Reporter Can’t Back Up Facts

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

On Tuesday, Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, had a contentious interview with BBC reporter James Clayton. Clayton asked Musk about allegations that the social media platform does not have enough staff to police hate speech.

Musk challenged Clayton to provide specific examples of hate speech flourishing on Twitter, which the reporter could not provide. Clayton attempted to defend himself by stating that he had only reported others experiencing hate speech, not that he had seen it himself.

However, Musk continued to press Clayton for concrete examples and accused him of lying.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. Ridiculous. If credible sources such as the ADL and other organizations say that there is a significant increase in antisemitism, you don’t need a specific example. If there are people blaming the Covid pandemic on the Jewish conspiracy, that’s hate speech. The guy set him up by asking him to provide a specific personal example. That’s completely irrelevant. The main takeaway from this interview should be that Elon Musk DID NOT want to buy twitter and was forced to do so in fear of a lawsuit and ever since then, he has destroyed the platform’s moderation (a lot against anti semetism) by firing over 80 percent of the workforce including most of the moderation team.

  2. It shows that Musk has completely lost the argument, the fact that he has to resort to childish “give me an example” instead of responding to a legitimate concern espoused by a plethora of advertisers, means that he has no response.

  3. Hate speech is ubiquitous to Twitter.

    It’s like asking to show the trees in the forest.

    Elon is the master of writing hateful tweets.

    He even wrote a hateful tweet to a employee who has a disability.

  4. Dan The, the ADL is NOT a credible source. Under Jonathan Greenblatt it has become is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party. Nothing it says that is in the Democrats’ interest should be believed without independent confirmation. And the Democrats’ interest is clearly in whipping up hysteria about the minuscule threat from so-called “white supremacists”, in order to mask the actual threat, which comes almost entirely from Islamists, black supremacists, and neo-Marxists. Actual “white supremacists” who are dangerous are real but very few; they’re like Catalina rattlesnakes — deadly if you come across one, but you’re so unlikely to do that that worrying about them is a waste of attention.

  5. Jackk, YOU are the master of so-called “hate speech”.

    In any case, there’s no reason to “police” it. It’s perfectly legal so why should Twitter care to remove it?

  6. Priceless. Simply priceless to see a conversation between someone who has accomplished so much in life and a loser with not one functioning brain cell. And even more priceless is to see the YWN idiotic commenters club being triggered by it. You guys need to charge me for the entertainment. Haha!!

  7. I am blown away at all these comments !
    Incredible to see actual yidden siding with bbc! The most hateful disgusting jew hating animals on the planet. Please hashem rid the world of erev ravs and bring our dear moshiach now!

  8. I appreciate that he didn’t want to debate vague claims. He put the interviewer in a spot. Israel should adopt similar conversation practices. Asking for solid proof of apartheid claims etc. There are none. The claims against Israel are vague and hearsay, I applaud him for taking the interviewer to task.

  9. Anyone on Twitter knows that over the past 6 months, there is a lot more garbage coming through unfiltered. Its no secret and I suspect much of it simply reflects changes in algorithms previously used to auto delete postings with certain themes and trigger words and has little to do with human intervention.
    The most striking takeaway from Twitter under Musk is that you can remove 75% of the personnel from a major social media platform and its still is largely functioning albeit with occasional hiccups. It really speaks to how bloated some of these social media and high-tech companies had gotten over the past several years as reflected in the recent wave of layoffs at Meta (aka Facebook), Alphabet (aka Google) and dozens of other Silicon Valley companies.

  10. For anyone who forgot that at some point Twitter wanted to make a star David said they would take the icon/ symbol off Twitter because it is offensive and this is way before Elon musk wanted to buy the company so if or let alone so much anti-Semitic destructive propaganda on Twitter about Israel but no one ever spoke up in regards to that so if anyone wants to talk about hateful and restricting comments. Just remember not too long ago that it was long before Elon came long

  11. Right now a video is being retweeted of a bochur in yerushalayim spitting at nuns.
    (Although it is false.)
    Tweets like this “Let’s blame the Jews for killing Jesus.” or this
    “Every single aspect of the media is Jewish ” are commonplace.

  12. BBC is trash that goes out of their way to increase hatred of Israel and Jewish communities in general.
    That being said, Musk is 100% wrong.
    It is quite apparent that hatred has increased on twitter since the rules were loosened.
    We see examples of that in every thread that has anything to do with Israel or Jews.

    If you fall for the “give me one example” fallacy, you are what they call a “useful idiot”.

    Musk is a smart dude, and surely has been successful (though we’re probably about to find out if his mazel ran out…), but wisdom isn’t smarts…

  13. Arrogant, ignorant bbc guy got owned – the left is a bunch of talking-point spouting bots who think there is no other perspective other than their own warped one.

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