TRAGEDY: Brooklyn Man R”L Killed By Vehicle In Toms River

A Jewish man was tragically killed after he was struck by a vehicle outside a shul on Whitesville Road in Toms River on Monday night.

Hatzolah Paramedics were on the scene, and transported the victim to the hospital in traumatic arrest, with CPR being performed. Sadly, the man was Niftar at the hospital.

The victim has been identified as Chaim Dasheff Z”L, 65 years old from Kensington, Brooklyn. He was visiting his family in Toms River.

The Levaya will be held at the Lakewood Chapel at 613 Ramsey Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701. Kevura will be in Lakewood as well.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

One Response

  1. An ish yashar, bsimcha even with challenges
    davened , with kavana daily in emunas yisroel had pages scribbled w names to daven for, enjoyed a close relationship with mashgiach shlita, will be sorely missed

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