OK. YOU CAN TAKE THE MASK OFF: Biden Signs GOP-Led Resolution Ending Covid Emergency

Andrew Harnik—AP

President Biden on Monday signed a GOP-led resolution bringing an end to the national emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House said.

The resolution passed the House despite almost 200 House Democrats voting against it after the White House said it strongly opposed the measure, though it did not threaten to veto it if the bill passed.

The bill later passed the Senate in a bipartisan 68-23 vote.

The White House had said it was already planning to wind down the national emergency and public health emergency around COVID-19 on May 11, giving states the go-ahead to begin winding down the measures enacted under the emergencies.

The resolution will end a number of waivers for federal health programs Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP, however many of the changes to health care regulations have become largely irrelevant as COVID-19 precautions have been relaxed.

The COVID emergency also provided the power for former President Trump and later Biden to pause student loan repayments. However, Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan is now being challenged at the Supreme Court, and student loan repayments are set to begin either 60 days after the Supreme Court ruling or 60 days after June 30.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. So many republicans refused to wear masks or get vaccinated. I’m surprised they even knew there was a pandemic. I do recall seeing the obituaries of many prominent Rabbis who unfortunately died as a result of the virus. It’s amazing how both can be true. No pandemic. Many deaths. Magical thinking at work.

  2. A national emergency is a situation in which a government is empowered to perform actions not normally permitted. The 1976 National Emergencies Act implemented various legal requirements regarding emergencies declared by the President of the United States. This is the most abusive and dangerous measure a govt can take, as it gives them all the powers to do anything they want, seizing people propriety, ordering home arrest etc..

  3. “Multiple surveillance and response systems exist worldwide for the early detection and effective response to contain the spread of disease. Time delays occur for two main reasons. The first is the delay between the first case and the confirmation of the outbreak by the healthcare system, allayed by good surveillance via data collection, evaluation, and organisation. The second is when there is a delay between the detection of the outbreak and widespread recognition and declaration of it as an international concern.” END THIS ESPIONNAGE SITUATION THOROUGLY AND NOW!

  4. “GOP-led resolution bringing an end to the national emergenc…The resolution passed the House despite almost 200 House Democrats voting against it.”

    Clearly one party wants this to grag on forever.

  5. It was over years ago. It was a farce to have the people let the Democrats to have control. Anyone with a brain saw it. It wasn’t “the science”

  6. Good morning Sleepy Joe! It’s good to see you’ve finally awakened. The country appreciates this executive order.

  7. Markjw: A large majority of the deaths were a result of the panic that the democrats instilled in the public. The hospital staff were scared for their safety and did not properly care for the patients. Many even died of starvation in the hospitals.

  8. Reb Markjw,
    Great job conflating 2020 and 2023. Yes many elderly people passed away from effects of the Fau-Xi virus in 2020. But that doesn’t mean that it’s 2020 anymore. But people like you who wear masks while driving alone in their cars and line up like sheeple for the clot shot are just the type of voter the current regime relies on. Well done!

  9. You mean we’ll be able to see all the BLM terrorists’ faces? What will all the criminals do when robbing stores and banks?🤣🤣🤣

  10. Markjw, we now know that the masks did absolutely nothing to protect anyone from anything; they were a huge national disaster and did enormous damage and no good at all. And while the vaccine seems to have reduced the risk of death among those elderly people who got the virus, we now know that not only does it NOT prevent the virus from spreading, it was never designed or intended to do so, and all the official claims otherwise were deliberate lies. We also know that for young people the risk from the vaccine exceeds any possible benefit, so pushing it on young people is pure murder.

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