TRAGEDY: British-Israeli Leah Dee Passes Away After Terror Shooting Attack; 3 Killed From 1 Family

Mrs. Leah Dee, the mother of sisters Maya and Rina who were murdered in a Palestinian shooting terror attack, was nifteres Tuesday from her own injuries sustained during the heinous attack. She was just 48 years old.

The British-Israeli Dee family was traveling along Route 57 when terrorists opened fire at their vehicle, killing 20-year-old and 18-year-old sisters and critically injuring their mother, Leah. 

“48-year-old Lucy Dee was evacuated by helicopter to Hadassah Ein Kerem in critical condition, where the teams fought for her life over the past few days, in the trauma unit, the operating room and the intensive care unit where she was treated,” the hospital said in a statement.

“Unfortunately, despite intensive and unceasing efforts, due to her fatal injury, the team had to determine her death today.”

Dee had been in critical condition since the attack, and despite the best efforts of medical staff at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, she was Niftar three days later.

The terrorists responsible for the shooting are still at large, and no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. The incident has sparked widespread condemnation and calls for justice.

The terrorists shot at a car and the driver tried to continue driving and flee the scene but they chased after her. She lost control of the wheel and smashed into a Palestinian truck. The terrorists then shot the victims from close range at least 22 times from a Kalashnikov type of rifle.

The Levayos of Maia and Rina were held yesterday. The sisters were just 21 and 18 years old, respectively. Their deaths have left their family and friends devastated, and their loss is being mourned both in Israel and in the UK.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. We are told that Hashem wants our hearts, and He knows that one of the times people are most likely to give Him their full hearts is in answering “Amen Yehei Shemei Rabba” to Kaddish at a levaya. Maybe if we could give Him that same intensity of feeling every time we answer “Amen Yehei Shmei Rabba” He would think that if He can get that heart-felt commitment to Him without having to cause levayas He would make fewer levayas happen. It’s worth a try.

  2. So Critically urgent to implement Moreinu HoRav Meir Kahane’s plan immediately, to expel every single arab from entire Israel no questions asked, and cannot even await end of פסח and surely cannot await end of ramadan to carry out this missive

  3. Tragic and horrific on every level.
    Baruch Dayan HaEmet.
    Hold your family extra tight.
    I can’t imagine the pain her husband and children are dealing with.

  4. ברוך דיין האמת
    No words!
    They are definitely in a better place but the poor family! May Hashem shower with His rachmnus.

  5. Lapid the new spokesman for BDS and pupet of US and EU, Reform movement and child of a man whom in the 80’s burned shuls bus stops and head of (Meretz youth, like Nazi youth) torn Mezozah off store fronts.
    Who’s wife is a Shiksa whom was proven to be Yashka lover. &
    Anarchist, paid for by Biden and EU.
    And Gantz are bathing in the blood of these young women and their mother.
    No shamed
    These Neo Zionts are trojon horses
    as have called for bloodshed like the mayor of TelAviv. The enemy with in, have emboldened Iran, Hizbullah and Hamas and Islamic terrorists.

    With 1.25 child and 2 DOGS, the leftist are afraid of the future. 40 years of brutal force on anti frum anti anything jewish.
    Mr. Lapid, Here is the blood you wanted. Here is the blood you got paid for.
    Now drink.

  6. Blinking and Brandon!
    Israel mustn’t escalate the tensions! It would be best if they could absorb it – just take it on the chin and move on! It’s only 3 Jews – not that many!

  7. 147
    Oh the irony!
    These people were killed BECAUSE of the viciousness of Mayer Kahana.
    His incitement against Muslims was limitless. Death to all of them! Uhu! It only comes back to bite. Muslims are enraged animals and kill. They are subhumans.
    This poor family made “aliya” like many other Karbonas hy”d before them, for their love for Zionism and got slaughtered. They are innocent Zionists that followed the deadly path.
    Why do people enter these animalistic territories?! Isnt EY big enough?!
    No 147 and all you Zionists; I’m NOT condoning this violence! It’s beyond heartbreaking! But didn’t they know it was “enter at your own risk?” Well, we know it here in America.
    These settlements are a ZOO packed with 2 footed animals and anyone entering there is BECAUSE Mayer Kahana had no regard to Jewish blood.

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