Hatzalah Orlando Visits Osceola County Fire Rescue Stations and Sheriff’s Deputies

On Sunday, the first day of chol hamoed, Hatzalah Orlando first responders visited with rescue crews at Osceola County Fire Rescue station 71 and 73 to thank them for their service and for working seamlessly alongside Hatzalah during the busy Passover holiday.

Additionally, Hatzalah representatives visited with deputies from the Osceola County Sheriff’s office.

The visits were part of Hatzalah Orlando’s “Thank You Tour” recognizing the hard work and dedication of local first responders in the Orlando region.

The visits also gave the visiting Hatzalah Orlando members an opportunity to learn more about the work the first responders do as well as showcase how Hatzalah operates.

“We are so grateful for the partnership we have with the local Fire Rescue crews,” said Dovid Goldwasser, one of the supervisors for Hatzalah Orlando. “They are always there to help us when we call on them, and we are committed to assisting them when they need us. After many years of working together, we are truly a collaborative team, and Hatzalah is proud to work alongside these extraordinary professionals.”

After leaving one of the Fire Stations, the Hatzalah members encountered an Osceola County Ambulance broken down on the side of the highway, members stopped and gave them snacks and drinks, and waited with them until a repair truck arrived. Just another in a series of collaborative opportunities the growing Orlando Jewish community will benefit from moving forward.

The emergency hotline for Hatzalah Orlando is 407-307-3600.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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