SAFETY WINS: Thousands of New Street Lights Coming to Monsey

Monsey will soon be receiving thousands of new cutting edge LED street lights thanks to a pioneering initiative led by Town Of Ramapo Supervisor Michael B. Specht.

Specht told the Monsey Scoop that the “street lighting installation campaign hopes to create a brighter and safer Ramapo.”

“This will help ensure the safety of our residents and visitors as they traverse our roadways,” he added.

As part of this groundbreaking campaign, the Township will be installing new street lights along Main street and all throughout the township. In total, a staggering 3,500 new street lights will be installed, including in numerous areas which currently lack proper lighting.

(YWN World Headquarters- NYC)

8 Responses

  1. LED street lights have well-documented health concerns and pose long-term dangers, especially for those who live nearby and are exposed to the ambient light through unshaded windows and outdoor proximity. The concern is due to disruptive blue light and that excessive use during evening hours will cause our bodies to continue the production of melanopsin – rather than melatonin, making it harder to fall asleep naturally. Over time, this can lead to various health problems, such as hypertension, diabetes, and even heart attack.

  2. It’s a waste of money. Why not spend that amount to fix the traffic problems. Adding more lanes,turning lanes. It’s all propaganda

  3. New streetlights do not trump the lives Woodpecker (translate the Yiddish word Specht to English) has ruined in Monsey. The community must vote him and the other rashaim from his party of Donkeys out of office else they are as bad as he is.

  4. @lastword, you know what causes more long-term dangers? getting hit by drivers driving like madmen

    @tnewman, vote out Democrats? You mean voting out the people responsible for allowing us Jews to live as comfortably as we are?

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