SEE THIS: Elon Musk Goes On Blistering Rant Against New York Times

(AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

Elon Musk stripped the New York Times of its verified badge on Twitter after announcing a crackdown on accounts refusing to pay $8 a month to keep their badges, and followed it up with an epic tear against the left-leaning outlet.

“The real tragedy of @NYTimes is that their propaganda isn’t even interesting,” Musk tweeted. “Also, their feed is the Twitter equivalent of diarrhea. It’s unreadable. They would have far more real followers if they only posted their top articles. Same applies to all publications.”

“NY Times is being incredible hypocritical here, as they are super aggressive about forcing everyone to pay *their* subscription,” Musk opined.

The New York Times had previously written in an article that they would not pay for a verified badge.

“The New York Times, which has nearly 55 million followers on Twitter, said on Thursday that it would not pay for the verified badge for its institutional accounts, including @nytimes. The Times also told its journalists that it would not reimburse them for a Twitter Blue subscription, except in rare cases when it was necessary for reporting,” the article stated.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Musk is a narcissist who perpetually entertains tabloid gossip as “the real news” while castigating the NY Times as propoganda. While what the New York Times writes may have political bias, their writing is definitely more professional then Musk’s immature tirades. After years of him manipulating public opinion to make himself out to be some sort of a genius, people are realizing that the emperor has no clothes.

  2. “The results of the unique study, which analyzes patterns of both coverage and omissions of information, show a clear anti-Israeli bias in the New York Times on both levels. The report points to the 53% negative coverage of Israel throughout the year, and also to the consistent omission of information regarding threats that Israel faced.”

    I don’t know about anyone else, but 53% bias does not seem to be too bad…

  3. Here we have him – Elon Musk , the man who the right thought was going to implement truth, justice and the american way on Twitter.
    Instead, he keeps proving that he is a selfish, puny, immature , capitalistic pig.

  4. @Jackk
    There is nothing more selfish than those who disparage capitalism.
    He is actually on to a very good point here.
    If you arent willing to pay for a service, dont expect it.
    The NYT takes VERY careful measures about its bottom line. Make no mistake, they are quite hypocritical.

  5. Musk is lucky clever & hardworking
    However genius I doubt very much

    To write the words capitalistic & pig together is distasteful

    The halocho is capitalistic

  6. Chash,

    No. He is a petty snob who will lose money for the sake of his ego.

    The NY Times is the 24th most followed account on Twitter with over 54 million followers.He needs them, more than they need his stupid blue check.
    Twitter has been hemorrhaging money and Musk’s 44 billion dollar investment will eventually go down the drain.

  7. No matter how professionally NY Times articles are written, biased news are fake news.
    Jews should not quote NY Times. NYT are self hating Jews who spew hatred causing anti semitism. Dare them to write about the peace loving BLM.

    Musk is a breath of fresh air.

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