NO TEFLON DON: Trump Says He Will Be in New York Tuesday to Get Charged

(AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Former President Donald Trump announced on Truth Social Sunday evening that he will be heading to New York on Monday before making an appearance at a Manhattan courthouse on Tuesday.

“I will be leaving Mar-a-Lago on Monday at 12 noon, heading to Trump Tower in New York,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “On Tuesday morning I will be going to, believe it or not, the Courthouse. America was not supposed to be this way!”

Trump has repeatedly hammered Bragg over the investigation into his 2016 hush money payments, including earlier in the day on Sunday.

“The Corrupt D.A. has no case. What he does have is a venue where it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to get a Fair Trial (it must be changed!),” Trump wrote. “And a Trump Hating Judge, hand selected by the Soros backed D.A. (he must be changed!). Also has the DOJ working in the D.A.’s Office – Unprecedented!”

The exact details on the indictment are still under seal and won’t be publicly known until Trump is arraigned.

Trump lawyer Joe Tapocina said he will move to have the charges against the former president dismissed.

“Whether you send the right or the left or you’re a supporter or detractor of Donald Trump, this should really bother you,” Tacopina said on CNN. “This should really shake the core of what we believe our justice system should be about. It should not be weaponized to go after political opponents.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. Which פרק of תהילים are we supposed to recite for President Donald Trump שליט”א?
    Is it פרק קמ”ב or which פרק is it to be recited?
    What פרק should be recited for total doom & eradication of al bragg ינח שמו וזכרונו?
    Please note:- My question wasn’t if we should recite תהילים, but rather which פרק of תהילים to be recited?

  2. Today, and in this particular year, Nissan 12th which is my birthday and because both calendars are aligned, I’m indeed born April 3 rd as well, I’m sending all my blessings to all those who need or want anything, Hashem will always elevate the righteous and provide for all their need, however Hashem can’t be with those whom the gaava can’t be measured anymore. May Hashem help us to get rid of those teflon tyrans !

  3. No one is above the law! That is the first thing a “president” should learn! When men are “unable” to apply the laws, the shehina leaves the usa…

  4. May Hashem bless Ze Yeshiva World for standing with the Ze truth and not the fools who put their faith in bne adam such as that one, look at what is led the world: illnesses and chaos. Not for me, toda raba.

  5. 147: Many of us will be saying chatzi hallel with shachris tomorrow while simultaneously hoping that in zchus of Yom Tov, the Ebeshter will grant to you the wishes made by the scarecrow in Wizard of Oz.
    Chag Kasher V’sameach.

  6. We will give the soon to be indicted former president a real New York greeting upon his return for exile in Florida. New Yorkers have known what he is for a great many years and remember his escapades from years past.

  7. 147,

    Do you actually believe that if anything happens to Alvin Bragg that Trump will just walk free ?
    That is not the way justice works in America. Nor it is not the way the Manhattan DA’s office works.

  8. A dark day for the American justice system and an embarrassment to the already damaged NY legal system. Anyone who thinks objectively knows this is a political sham on the level of the USSR

  9. Wasn’t he able to kill someone, walk down Fifth Avenue and no one would utter a word? I guess the DA didn’t know that info.

  10. i don’t understand the word “no one is above the law”
    law should be enforced equal other wise that means corruption because Putin also finds crimes on
    his people he want in jail so crimes you can find on almost everyone specially Biden who shtinked from corruption with his son so that mean that on one side find crimes on the other side you don’t do anything that’s a PUTIN GOVERMENT nothing more its not about trump or not its freedom or PUTIN government
    should all these trump haters here go to Russia and leave our normal democracy alone

  11. He was blackmailed for something he did not do for political reasons so the deduction as a political expense is okay.

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