Only A Few Shopping Days Left For the Best Clothing Deals

Bobbie’s Place provides beautiful new clothing for children and teens whose families can’t afford to.  More than 10,000 children have already received their new suits, dresses and outfits from Bobbie’s Place this Yom Tov season.  But more are waiting, and our doors are still open.

Sunday is a busy shopping day.  As we shop for our own children, let’s do something for all those children whose parents can’t tale them to those same stores.  Make a donation to Bobbie’s Place, and bring a smile to other kids as well.

We received this note just two days ago.  Contribute today, and take your share in the joy of others and the bracha that brings.

“There are no words to express the appreciation we have for providing us with such beautiful clothing from Bobbie’s Place. For most of my children, this was the first time shopping in a clothing store.  All their other clothing are hand me downs, and the excitement they had picking out their own beautiful, new outfits was indescribable. They came home on a high and are counting the days to be able to wear them for Yom Tov. And of course it gives my husband and I such menuchas hanefesh to have the pressure of Yom Tov clothing off our heads.  May HKBH shower you with brachos in the zechus of your incredible chesed.”

Donate now at this link:

A chag kosher v’sameach.

(YWN Headquarters – NYC)

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