FIREWORKS: Chaya Raichik AKA Libs of TikTok Confronts AOC in Capitol Building

Jewish social media star Chaya Raichik, better known as “Libs of TikTok,” and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez engaged in a war of words in the Capitol building on Thursday after Raichik filed an ethics complaint against the leftist congresswoman.

The ethics complaint alleges that AOC lied about Raichik during a hearing in which AOC said her work “culminated in a real-life harassment and bomb threat to the Boston Children’s Hospital.”

Raichik hand-delivered the ethics complaint to AOC’s office, but the congresswoman wasn’t there at the time. However, she met her later in the building and posed for a picture with her before initiating a direct confrontation.

I “just delivered an ethics complaint to your office because you lied about me in a committee hearing,” Raichik told her.

“Uh-huh. Oh hi! Yeah no, I actually didn’t,” a flustered Ocasio-Cortez said.

“I never inspired a bomb threat,” Raichik replied while AOC accused her of being “actually super transphobic and I never want to share a space with you!”

Settle down, pumpkin.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

26 Responses

  1. Unnaceptable!!! It makes you wonder how come that weirdo “aoc” who is known to be quite unstable, can allow herself to display this kind of attitude, what an obnoxious freak! She’s rude, dumb as hell, and better learn how to respect people instead of hiding behind her lgbt “cause”! Aoc, easy on amphetamines, perhaps someone needs to teach you what humble is!

  2. Miss Raichik is unfortunately overrated. She can barely string a sentence together, doesn’t seem too analytical, or ready for prime time. Her successful twitter channel is the result of her watching really really shmutzy content all day.

  3. Whoever criticizes Chaya Raichik simply has no idea what she has accomplished! She has courage and goes ahead despite all the threats, etc.

    Mrs. Raichik; Hashem zul eich bentchen beKol Tuv and hatzlacha with the great shlichus he has bestowed on you!
    A good Shabbos!

  4. I read people criticizing her. Like if AOC was sooo coherent and being pro indoctrination children with transgender ideology was such a Kiddush H’. I don’t have a clue what’s with people’s brains.

  5. This confirms what a jerk she is. Generally speaking most of these social media pundits have some common sense an know how to manage their personas. She seems to be focused on publicizing herself and in the process, displays the same lack of common sense and midos as those she critiques.

  6. Maybe Chaya can hit up some other (job) squad members too. Get her in front of Ilhan Omar and ask her what it’s like to be married to her brother or about the trans lives matter movement in Somalia.

  7. To all the critics, What have YOU done in confronting AOC or other antisemites?


    Then you have no right to criticize someone with the cahoonas to do so.

    If you have the ability to write – use it to confront our enemies. Instead you use your writing to knock someone that does. That’s not ok.

  8. But wasn’t AOC telling the truth, that Raichik spread a lie about Boston Children’s?

    At worst they were offering hysterectomies to 17-year-olds.

    Yes, 17-year-olds are girls, but they’re not young girls (as Raichik said).

    They’re one year away from being adults — and in our communities considered ready for marriage!

    So, it IS a lie to say Boston Choldren’s was offering this procedure to young girls.

    They were not.

  9. Dorah,

    Your post confirms what a jerk you are, with no common sense or midos of your own. What a sick, self-hater you are to take the side of an anti-Semitic politician like AOC over a Jew she lied about and victimized. You have chosen woke as your religion so you’ll soon be spending a warm eternity with your vile coreligionists.

  10. For all those of you commenting that this is a chilul Hashem go back to the beis medrash and learn what a chilul Hashem actually is

  11. What Mrs Raichik is doing is a kiddush haShem. She is showing that the Jews are not on the side of these freaks, and are on the side of decency. Some people have the weirdest ideas, that kiddush haShem means not being controversial! The whole source for kiddush haShem is that when the goyim demand that we alter or abandon The Torah we must publicly defy them and make them upset with us. The Jew who went along with sacrificing to avoda zara, so as not to upset the goyim, made a chilul haShem; Matisyahu who murdered him in the street and fled made a kiddush haShem.

  12. Milhouse –
    Excellent points.
    Certain “Orthocrats” (leftist Democrats pretending to be religious Jews) and their Reform comrades are outraged that a religious Jew (Chaya Raichik) stood up publicly against a wicked anti-Torah leftist (ie AOC).
    Standing up publicly to oppose anti-Torah leftists is exactly the action of a kiddush Hashem.
    Chaya is showing the whole world that not all Jews are anti-Torah leftists destroying civilization.

  13. You could be 85 years old
    If a american congress lady is for this beastiality she is nothing else then the nazi probably worse is AOC

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