FLATBUSH: Levaya of Rebbitzen Sarah Zakheim A”H

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Sarah Zakheim A”H. She was 105.

Rebbitzen Zakheim was the wife of HaRav Yaakov Zakheim Zt”l, a longtime Rov in Flatbush.

Rebbitzen Zakheim was born in Palestine, and at a young age immigrated to the United States. As a girl, she was a secretary in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. When she left her position, it was said that they had to hire three people to replace her.

She married in the late 1940’s and moved to Trenton, NJ, where they became Rav and Rebbitzen. Before the birth of her first child, she realized that Trenton was not the place to raise a family, so HaRav Yaakov got a new job as a Rav in East Flatbush at Beth Medresh HaGadol of East Flatbush. They remained there there until 1976 when the community changed.

They moved their shul to Bedford Avenue and Avenue J in Flatbush, where she gave her heart and soul to the shul and to its Mispallelim. She did everything and anything to make the Shul run smoothly. Nothing was below her dignity, and she treated everyone in the Shul like her family.

Even after the Petira of her husband 14 years ago, and even in her advanced age, she still ran the Shul.

She was known to all as an “old time Rebbitzen” who had a certain regal demeanor about her.

Her children are Moshe Zakheim, Rachelle Klein, Devora Hamada, and her son who was Niftar 10 years ago Shlomo Zakheim Z”L. her sister is  Mrs. Malka Rennert.

The Levaya will be held on Tuesday evening at 6:00pm at the Shul at 3120 Bedford Avenue and Avenue J.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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