DRAMATIC FOOTAGE: Watch As Police Take Down Tennessee School Shooter

Police officials in Tennessee have released dramatic bodycam footage of officers responding to Monday’s school shooting at a private school which resulted in the death of six people – 3 children and 3 adults.

The footage shows a team of five officers toting heavy weapons rushing methodically through the building before encountering the shooter and promptly cutting him down in a hail of gunfire.

Police earlier identified the shooter, who was killed by police, as 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale. They say Hale was a former student and shot through the doors of the private, Christian elementary school. Hale had drawn a detailed map of the school, including potential entry points, and conducted surveillance of the building before carrying out the massacre, authorities said.

Police have given unclear information on Hale’s gender. For hours Monday, police identified the shooter as a woman. At a late afternoon press conference, the police chief said Hale was transgender. After the news conference, police spokesperson Don Aaron declined to elaborate on how Hale identified.

In an email Tuesday, police spokesperson Kristin Mumford said Hale “was assigned female at birth. Hale did use male pronouns on a social media profile.”

The victims were children Evelyn Dieckhaus, Hallie Scruggs and William Kinney, all age 9. The adults were Cynthia Peak, 61, Katherine Koonce, 60, and Mike Hill, 61.

Just minutes before the senseless attack, the shooter messaged a friend stating that he was “planning to die today” and that “you’ll probably hear about me on the news after I die.”

The dramatic, six-minute video supplements an earlier release, late Monday, of about two minutes of edited surveillance footage that shows the shooter’s car driving up to the school, glass doors being shot out and the shooter ducking through one of them.

The new video from Officer Rex Engelbert’s bodycam shows a woman greeting police outside as they arrive at The Covenant School on Monday. “The kids are all locked down, but we have two kids that we don’t know where they are,” she tells police.

“OK, yes, ma’am,” Engelbert replies.

The woman then directs officers to Fellowship Hall and says people inside had just heard gunshots. “Upstairs are a bunch of kids,” she says.

Three officers, including Engelbert, search rooms one by one, holding rifles. “Metro Police,” officers yell.

“Let’s go, let’s go,” one officer yells.

As alarms are heard going off in the school, one officer says, “It sounds like it’s upstairs.”

Officers climb stairs to the second floor and enter a lobby area. “Move in,” an officer yells. Then a barrage of gunfire is heard.

“Get your hands away from the gun,” an officer yells twice. Then the shooter is shown motionless on the floor.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Incredible courage and awesome display of tactical training being exercised in real-time by these Nashville officers. When I watch this video, it makes me ready to puke when I think about the videos of the recent Texas school attack where nearly 100 police stood around the hallways waiting for over an hour before moving to engage the shooter.

  2. Was this murderer a man or a woman? Different reports say he was a woman/she was a man/he was a man/ she was a woman. Is there no end to this woke nonsense? The Eibishter creates a person as a man or a woman. No amount of “progressive” nonsense can make a man pregnant or a woman conceive without a man’s involvement somehow or other.

  3. Unlike the keystone cops in Uvalde, the first responders here are true heros, saving countless lives.

    “Police have given unclear information on Hale’s gender. For hours Monday, police identified the shooter as a woman. At a late afternoon press conference, the police chief said Hale was transgender. After the news conference, police spokesperson Don Aaron declined to elaborate on how Hale identified.”

    Well duh. This clearly DOES NOT FIT THE NARRATIVE!!! As Karine Jean-Pierre has lectured us, transgender people are the most kind gentle and lovable people that exist on this earth. Team Biden was just chomping at the bit to blame this on those evil WHITE heterosexual male maga Trump Republican racist supremacists. Too bad, this deviant pervert lowlife scum, didn’t fit a single category of the narrative. That is why the lovely brilliant articulate Karine Jean-Pierre immediately blamed those evil white Republican Congressmen for not passing some worthless gun laws, that the democrats themselves never passed when they had FULL control over ALL houses of Congress and the White House.

  4. Leave it to our glass shattering, special needs black Haitian lesbian white house spokesperson to prioritize transgenderism over actual the lives lost.

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