How to find a job in America?

How to find a job in America?

We will immediately determine that work in tourist status in America is illegal. However, illegal immigrants continue to look for all sorts of ways to earn cash. If you are looking for work as a tourist, then be prepared to be responsible for this.

So, let’s look at all the possible resources for finding earnings.

Imagine that you have just arrived in America and your English is at the level of buying a cheeseburger. What to do? Below I will tell you about the most popular way to find work in the States.

Ask directly

The next option, I do not think is shameful. Why not just bypass the service enterprises in your city. We are now sitting in the office, well, I, and someone has already gone to ask in car washes, restaurants, shops if they need helpers. In general, my advice to you: if you often leave your comfort zone and communicate with people, then it will not be difficult for you to find your first job.

When looking for a rabota v ny brooklyn, be very careful. Often there are ads: “work without documents, come all, free schedule, $ 6,000 a month and other noodles.” Well, please don’t see me.

Popular sites

But what if your English is above average, and your education is not bad, and you seem to have some experience?

The principle is already working here: “the harder the job, the easier it is to get a job”, because the more you know how, the less competition there will be.

True, if you received a higher education in your country, it is not a fact that it will be quoted here. For example, to work as a doctor, you only need local education.

On the website of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, you can see the approximate salaries corresponding to any profession.

Jobs with work experience are usually searched on websites. Here are the most popular ones: indeed, careerbuilder, monster, craiglist, careerjet .

Fill out your resume and apply for suitable vacancies. On average, in America, the applicant waits for a response from the employer for about two weeks, so do not rush to give up.

Recruitment agencies

When you start sending your resume to different sites, then you become a potential client for various “HR agencies”. Good and not so good. In another way, these are recruiting companies that are intermediaries between the employer and the applicant. These agencies may contact you or you may contact them from the very beginning. On average, their one-time assistance will cost you $300-$500. The main thing here is not to run into scammers. It also happens that people are left without money and without work. In fact, there are many adequate agencies; this is a fairly popular business in America. Just check if the given agency has at least a license.

Here is an article listing the best recruiting agencies in the US according to Forbse.

In general, of course, it is easier to find a job with an agency, since a resume will be compiled for you and prepared for an interview. It’s up to you to decide. Still, the service costs money.

Work visa

But what if you have not even arrived in America yet, but want to get a work visa?

In the comments on my YouTube channel, people often ask me to help them get a work visa through my company.

So it just doesn’t work here. In America, the employer must file a petition with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services before you apply to the consulate. Simply put, I, as an employer, must obtain permission in order to hire a foreign employee.

And that, my friends, is the cost. Firstly – time, and secondly – money, and sometimes considerable. Now evaluate how valuable an employee you must be in order for the employer to want to go through this thorny path for you.

Plus, as an employer, I will have to prove that I cannot find a person with such abilities here in America. In my case, I can not find a driver for the truck. Obviously it won’t work.

I certainly don’t want to upset you.

If you are a really cool specialist, have unique skills, you have good results, then try it, no one forbids you.

Just in this case, a recruiting agency is especially useful. Since you are in another country, you most likely have no idea which companies it makes sense for you to send your resume to. And agencies, based on experience, know this. You can feel in the blind, go through a bunch of options, or you can significantly reduce the time.

And again, so as not to disappoint you: not only the Nobel Prize winner can get such a visa, as is commonly believed.

There are different types of work visas. There are both immigration and temporary. If this is a temporary visa, then it will need to be extended the maximum number of times, and the next step will be an attempt to obtain a Green Card.

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