FAKE NEWS: OU, CRC Issue Joint Statement Regarding Kashrus of Birdsboro Meat Products

The Orthodox Union (OU) and the CRC have issued a joint statement assuring consumers that meat from Birdsboro – Bingo Supermarket’s meat manufacturer – is completely kosher and still under their hashgacha.

The statement comes after unsubstantiated rumors were spread across social media platforms on Sunday.

The statement, in English and Yiddish, states that Birdsboro meats “continues to be certified by the Orthodox Union and CRC, and that the beef is glatt kosher l’mehadrin.”

Birdsboro meats are supervised by both the OU and CRC, and both kashrus agencies “confirm that it is produced at the highest standards of kashrus.”

Birdsboro also released a statement after receiving multiple inquiries over the baseless rumor regarding its meat that was spread across social media on Sunday:

A rumor has been spread of an imaginary michshol that supposedly occurred with our meat. This story is fabricated. Consequently, we feel an obligation for the sake of our customers to ascertain the simple truth, which is that this never happened.

The rumor is a complete fabrication from beginning to end. There was neither a story nor a scandal. Not even a trace of suspicion of any wrongdoing. The Birdsboro meat is under the excellent supervision of the CRC (Hisachdus Harabonim) and OU, and absolutely nothing has occurred now except that someone has spread a false rumor.

It is an unforgivable sin to spread the falsehood that a michshel has occurred under the auspices of the respected rabbonim shlita, who supervise carefully to protect against any possible blemish. We protest the shaming of Torah.

All this is besides the terrible offense in terms of the public. To spread a falsehood created out of thin air, thereby scaring Yidden who are ultra-cautious about kashrus, especially now at this tense pre-Pesach time, is appalling.

Boruch Hashem, people are aware that Birdsboro meat is under excellent supervision, the best of the best, and they respect that. The meat department of Bingo, too, boasts a special advantage, as they are the only butcher in a store that does not bring in any meat besides our own, which is under the strict supervision of Hisachdus Harabonim every step of the way, from the slaughtering to final packaging. In addition, they have a mashgiach temidi at every location. It would have been impossible for this false rumor to have occurred. With Hashem’s help, we are protected against such sorts of michsholos.

We will continue to provide superior meat for the public, and we stand at your service.

The Birdsboro Management

7 Responses

  1. Some may remember about 20 years ago when a Kashrus organization competing with the Star-K did a similar horrible move about spreading false information about Rav Heineman and the Star-k. Whenever people do this, it should speak volumes about the level of Yiddishkeit of the one who started the false rumors. For some reason, in that case, many continued to rely on that other organization. If it is possible to bring to light the ones who started this rumor, they should be publicly shamed.

  2. The competition is getting antsy. It eats them up that Bingo is NOT price gouging their customers and NOT ripping off fellow Yidden at their most vulnerable time before Yom Tov. Kol hakavod to Bingo and we will continue to shop there and purchase their meat and poultry.

  3. So what was the rumor? What was supposed to have happened? They caught someone smuggling in a piece of treife chicken in his pockets?! They found a horse hiding among the cows?! A shochet was seen skipping mincha?!

  4. who in the world decided to spread such horrible stuff????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????

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