WATCH THIS: Mike Pence Confronted with Video of Trump Defending Rioters Who Wanted to Lynch Him

(AP Photo/Steven Senne, File)

Former Vice President Mike Pence took a grilling from ABC’s Jon Karl on Sunday, during which he was confronted with a recording of Donald Trump defending people who wanted to hang the vice president on January 6th, 2021.

Karl rolled a tape of his interview with Trump from 2021, when the ex-president stuck up for Capitol rioters who were calling to lynch Pence.

“I mean, he’s effectively justifying, or excusing, the actions of people who were calling for you to be hanged!” Karl said to Pence.

“There is no excuse for the violence that took place at the Capitol on January 6th, and I’ll never diminish it as long as I live, but, look…The president’s wrong. He was wrong that day, and I actually hoped he would come around in time, Jon. That he would see the cadre of legal advisers he had him with had led him astray, and he hasn’t done so. i think it’s one of the reasons why this country just wants a fresh start,” Pence replied.

“Does justifying those murderous chants, does that effectively disqualify him from being commander-in-chief again?” Karl asked.

“I think that’s a judgment for the American people to make,” Pence said.

2 Responses

  1. A sweet talking weak man
    Maybe a principled man, but his principles do not include recognizing evil and fighting it with strength.

    When “Jan 6” was mentioned, I would’ve said: By CNN’s standards it was a mostly peaceful protest, and what let do that was that people who had legitimate questions about the elections were suppressed and ridiculed by networks like yours…

    When he said Trump’s crimes were ‘unprecedented’, I would’ve said: I’m old enough to remember that Trump is an angle next to everything Bill Clinton did WHILE IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

  2. More lies. NOBODY WANTED TO LYNCH ANYBODY. There were no “murderous cries”. Calling for someone to be hanged, or hanging them in effigy, is NORMAL POLITICAL RHETORIC, and has been a normal feature of US politics for as long as it has existed.

    The protesters were unarmed, including those few who got violent. If anyone were planning an insurrection or a lynching they would have come armed, and yet nobody did.

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