Hikind Launches Kosher Gym Consumer Helpline

kg.jpg“The proposed sale of the Kosher Gym has spawned rumors, misinformation, and allegations,” said Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn). “Consumers have a right to air their grievances on blogs, in forums, etc. Kosher Gym’s clientele should feel they have someone to turn to who will be proactive in examining the purported deficiencies in service-oriented goals.
“I have therefore set up a Kosher Gym Consumer Helpline to explore and address client complaints. We are urging those who have encountered difficulties with Kosher Gym practices to contact our office via email at: [email protected] or to call my office 718-853-961 6. We intend to evaluate complaints, and thoroughly survey the issues involved to protect the consumer.”

(YWN – NYC Desk)

9 Responses

  1. Kosher Gym made two mistakes; they built a pool and they showed videos. The Rabbonim came out against Kosher Gym because of the videos and the insurance costs on the pool was prohibitive. I hope someone else builds something similar. Brooklyn needs one badly and look how successful Trim Gym in Lakewood is.

  2. till the pool came around there was no problems. it’s their own fault. And as a member i do not feel comfortable with the new arangements.

  3. Bubby,
    They never built a pool… they only ‘Billed’ for it. check your facts.

    I was also a satisfied customer (except 4 the cold showers and moldy steam room) until they made up fictitious that were NOT in my contract and refused me entrance to the gym until I paid it. I had no choice but to cancel my membership. They are ripoff artists.
    (BTW on their blog they have a picture of a sign threatening a fine for xyz… read the contract you never agreed to any right to fine. According to the contract they have a right to ask you to leave the gym 4 the day on the first violation of rules an terminate your contract the second time.
    Don’t pick your nose… I’ll fine you..

  4. Trim Gym of Lakewood was started by R’ Shia Perlstien A”H who aside from making a parnossa saw the need for Bnei Torah to have a real kosher gym to be able to excersize. He excelled in listening to Daas Torah and therefore no “michshal” came out. “Lo Oleinu” R’ Shia was niftar a few months ago and the gym is being run by his choshuva almonah. It is very expensive to run a place like this. There needs to be many people on the payroll, rent, utilities etc. Let us all be mechazek this mokom and even if you don’t intend to go all the time, become a member so that R’ Shia’s legacy can continue and it can be a source of income for the almonah and all the other employees that work there.

  5. I am glad to hear that Dov Hikind has started to take interest in this matter with the Kosher Gym.
    It is also refreshing in some way that there are actually people who do enjoy the gym and use it regularly to work out, etc.
    The reason Dov is getting involved is because there are members of this particular “KOSHER GYM”
    that have received Hazmona from the Bais Din for thousands of dollars eventhough all they did was stop their credit card companies from allowing the gym to take their hard earned money out of their bank. You see the gym has clauses in their contract that put you the member in a very bad position once you sign it.The bottom line is that the owners of the gym want your credit card number and they hope that you never come again since they just want to bill you every month.I have heard from other people that they would not even take cash from a member that credit card was not working unless he paid them an additional 15.00 with the cash. Is that normal???
    The kosher gym has sent out Hazmona’s from the Bais Din and use them as a collection company as many people have already paid just to get them off their backs. I do hope as we go into the month of Av that there can be an end to this horrific incident with the Kosher Gym and there will only be Sholom Al Yisroel.

  6. Dov Hikind sets up another helpline to field complaints – congratulations! maybe one of these days he’ll actually solve someones problem instead of just listening to them. and what is he going to do make the former owner re-buy it or tell the new owner how to run it. give me a break – just another publicity stunt

  7. Let’s get it right.

    1) It hasn’t been the Kosher Gym for some time. It is KG Fitness. Your contract entitles you to the benefits and comforts of being a member of a gym that respects the desire to work out in an environment that is conducive to a bas or ben torah.

    2) I don’t know how many of you feel, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable continuing to make a brocha out loud when drinking water. It has always been very special for the women to have an opportunity to give brochas, respond to brochas, and discuss halacha and other torah issues during their workouts.

    3) Did anyone else notice that when the gym moved they did not install a water filter on the water fountain? I think that is an important fact to note.

    4) The pool has been kept hanging over our heads for more than a year. If they had been honest at the outset and said that they don’t know when it will be ready, I think most of us could have accepted that. But instead, they dangled it in front of us, promising new time intervals, and holding our money.

    5) The tapes with Shiurim have disappeared, as have the KG Express machines. No warning – they just vanish in the night.

    6) I am sick and tired of having my morning workout interrupted when it is announced that women should dress accordingly because men are on their way up to fix machines. Will we even receive a warning when the gym is under the new management?

    In the end, it will all boil down to whether or not the heimishe olam are going to be comfortable in the new atmosphere. Somehow, I think not.


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