MUST READ: See What This Kidney Donor Wrote As She Was taken Into Surgery

Shani, a Flatbush resident, was just taken into surgery. She is donating a kidney today. She prepared the following and asked to send it out on her behalf:

Dear Left Kidney,

Today we say goodbye. I want to thank you for everything you have done for me. I’m embarrassed to say that for much of my 46 years, I didn’t pay much attention to you and most certainly took you for granted. Even when my own mother suffered with kidney disease and I knew your significance, I didn’t always appreciate your importance. And still, u showed up each and every moment and did your job. For 23 years I actually thought I would give you to my mother. She had one transplant and would surely need another. And I naively assumed I would be her savior. But life doesn’t always work like that and when the time came that she needed you, we were no longer a match.

With the help of Renewal, an angel came along and gave of himself so my mother could live and then I knew what to do with you. I would give you to someone else who was in desperate need of one.

I am sending you out today to help this man, a stranger and yet a brother to me. I beg you to work hard and help him live life to its fullest. Take good care of him, as you have done with me. The doctors say I won’t necessarily miss you but I will never forget you…. ברוך רופא חולים.

Please daven for me שיינדל אביבה בת איידל that the surgery and recuperation should be smooth and that I should be a good שליח for my recipient צבי בן חנה, he should have a רפואה שלמה and be gezunt for many, many, many years to come.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. This is very inspiring. May both the donor and recipient have a refuah shelema b’korov nad live long and healthy lives.

  2. She [& her immediate family] deserves a free ticket 🎟 to an hotel or even El Al to 🇮🇱 for פסח as she shan’t be in any shape within 23 days to meet the rigors of פסח preparations

  3. You are a hero and true inspiration!! Hashem should bentch you for your self sacrifice with good health and happiness to 120!

  4. A drashah from YY Jacobson which I recently heard quoted a statistic that 18 % of all kidney donors – worldwide I believe – are Shomrei Torah u’Mitzvos! Compare that amount to the perhaps .02% of the world population which we make up. When I looked this up, I found a study done several years ago that put the rate of anonymous donors who were Torah-Observant Jews at 15%! Whether 15 or 18, one can only say מי כעמך ישראל גוי אחד בארץ!

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