SEE THE VIDEO: Brazen Thieves Steal $22,000 in Jewelry as Victim Davens Mincha

A pair of thieves carried out a brazen robbery in the heart of Williamsburg on Thursday, surveilling and breaking into their victim’s vehicle as he davened mincha at a local shul.

Shortly after 5 on Thursday, a Chasidic Jew parked his vehicle in front of 152 Rodney Street and exited to daven mincha at the Satmar shul. Unbeknownst to him, two men had been following him, with the suspects knowing that he was carrying expensive diamonds in his minivan. And they were intent on getting their hands on it.

As the jewelry’s owner entered the shul to daven, one of the suspects kept an eye on him – even entering the shul to make sure he was occupied. The other then broke the rear window of the vehicle and removed a bag containing approximately $22,000 worth of jewelry.

When the heist was completed, both suspects fled on foot westbound on Rodney Street toward Bedford Avenue.

The NYPD is now seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the individuals so they could be brought to justice and their expensive loot returned to its rightful owner.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. “The NYPD is now seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the individuals so they could be brought to justice and their expensive loot returned to its rightful owner.“

    And then let out the next day

  2. Abetting a crime is just as bad as doing it. The lookout guy is clearly on camera. Hopefully they’ll find him and they’ll get the diamonds back.

  3. No one seems to think the victim did anything wrong. You think it’s normal to leave a bag with 22k worth of jewelry in it sitting out in the open in the back seat of your car?! Even without the guys ‘casing’ him, without the knowledge that there was anything valuable in the bag, just a plain old shvartze wandering down the street in a quiet moment would break the window and grab it and run.

    Of course, I’m not “justifying” the theft, but call a naar a naar! And learn from this to protect yourself and your assets.

  4. I suspect, without any direct evidence, that the perps knew the victim and knew he might be carrying jewelry. I also suspect the victim knew better.

  5. With all respect, who would leave $22,000 in diamonds unattended in the back of a minivan parked on the street, no matter how “rushed” they were?? While the crime is “brazen” and is a sad commentary on the state of affairs in NYC and other urban areas, at some point, people need to exercise a minimum of common sense.

  6. 22k for a jewler is nothing, and no minivans don’t get random windows busted I leave thousands in equip in my van this is an inside job

  7. We really need to change the way we operate. The guy walking around shul..children around..and no one looks twice at eyeing him..maybe it’s time we hire security..

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