TEHILLIM – Frum Doctor Struck By Vehicle In Los Angeles Is In Critical Condition

A well-known Frum doctor in Los Angeles is in grave condition after he and another doctor were both struck by a vehicle on Friday night.

Sources tell YWN that the two doctors were heading home from Shul after Kabolas Shabbos when they were struck by a vehicle outside Rabbi Rubin’s Shul on 3rd and Citrus.

One of the victims suffered minor injuries, and the other was rushed to the hospital, where he is listed in extremely critical condition.

Please say Tehillim for Yehuda ben Sara Tziviya.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. I spoke with a friend from California and he told me
    There are a lot of people in California that are having issues with one of their eyes and sometimes both eyes.
    He told me that one of his friends was trying to schedule eye surgery and he had to wait

    about 3 months for an appointment.
    It appears to me that the driver has very poor eye sight.

  2. And if he would be a not frum doctor, he would not be in the need of tehilim?! What matters is that a fellow yid is in need of tehilim.

  3. …and if he’d be a lawyer or a plumber???

    May Yehuda ben Sara Tziviya Mirman Mirman have a refuah sheleima betoch shaar cholei Yisrael.

  4. Barn Owl and jpa:
    Why do you needlessly make straw man arguments?

    YWN simply informed their readership of the broad details of the story. The Tehillim part is, of course, regardless of occupation, etc.

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