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COMING CLEAN: Trump Lawyer Admits Lying About 2020 Election Fraud, Gets Censured

Jenna Ellis, a former attorney for Donald Trump ’s reelection campaign and a prominent conservative media figure, has been censured by Colorado legal officials after admitting she made repeated false statements about the 2020 presidential election.

Ellis acknowledged making 10 “misrepresentations” on television and Twitter during Trump’s fight to stay in power after losing the 2020 election to President Joe Biden, according to the censure from the office of attorney regulation counsel in Colorado, where Ellis is from. The statements include claiming on Jeanine Pirro’s Fox News show on Dec. 5, 2020 that “we have over 500,000 votes (in Arizona) that were cast illegally” and telling the conservative network Newsmax on Dec. 15 that Trump was “the true and proper victor.”

On November 20, 2020, Ellis appeared on the Newsmax show of former Trump spokesman Sean Spicer and said: “with all those states (Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia) combined we know that the election was stolen from President Trump and we can prove that.”

Ellis was one of several prominent conservative voices who, in the final weeks of 2020, echoed Trump’s lies that the election was stolen from him. Those falsehoods helped fuel the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Respondent, through her conduct, undermined the American public’s confidence in the presidential election, violating her duty of candor to the public,” wrote Bryon M. Large, the disciplinary judge in the case.

Ellis becomes the latest pro-Trump attorney penalized for their attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Nine lawyers in Michigan in 2021 were ordered to pay $175,000 in sanctions for a sham suit seeking to overturn the election in that swing state. The District of Columbia’s bar association disciplinary counsel in December called for the suspension of former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani’s law license for pursuing a baseless lawsuit challenging Biden’s win in Pennsylvania.

Ellis is based in Washington, DC, but is from Colorado and has also practiced in the state. Through her attorney, Michael Melito, she stipulated to both the findings that she’d made misrepresentations and the censure. Melito did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


12 Responses

  1. Did anyone doubt this outcome? She, Crazy Rudy, Sidney Powell, etc. were all part of the traveling circus of “lawyers” bringing unhinged legal actions based on patently nutty allegations in federal and state courts (69 total) each of which was dismissed (a few on standing but most on merits). These rejections came from Republican and Democratic appointed judges including many Trump appointees. She is clearly trying to salvage the remnants of her legal career and avoid having her bar membership suspended or revoked.

  2. > “on television and Twitter”

    Seems to me that based on this “censure” every defense lawyer who made false claims of innocence for their guilty client would need to be censured for “misrepresentations” made “on television and Twitter”. One could also ask about all those years of (leftist) “misrepresentations” made “on television and Twitter” about alleged Russian collusion.

  3. This is one BIG JOKE

    No honest person believe Biden got 84 million votes!!!!

    They sure did steal the election!
    The problem is the FBI and other law enforcement were behind it, so you can’t find the evidence because they were destroyed, or blocked by judges (who were probably given the warning hint…)

    Anyone believes that this was an honest election is a FOOL!
    The same FOOLS believed the COVID stories from Fauci, the media and the CDC

    Fools will be fools!

  4. Y2R: Bottom line is that Biden is in the White House and Trump is sitting on his 14K throne in Mar a Lago at 3:30 AM cranking out hysterical and incoherent rants on his failing social media network screaming about everyone from Fox News to American Jews being “disloyal”. And of course, each of the 69 judges or judicial panels (majority Republican) who threw out his claims and some censuring his lawyers are “Fools”. The only fool I see here are those who are in denial or reality.
    A gutten shabbos.

  5. Gadolhadorah,
    What do you mean by “Bottom line is that Biden is in the White House and Trump is” etc…?
    You’re like the robber who held a gun and robbed someone, and when he yells about it he says “bottom line I have your money”…

    Very smart…

  6. y2r your so right, if you watched it closely Biden never won, do u think trump is as stupid ?? it was rigged and we all know it. but u cant talk to a democrat cause they just hate trump. well trump was an amazing president and we all hope he will be back. if u like it or not

  7. From the sound of it, they gave her a deal. You agree to this, even if you will be lying now, and you won’t sit in jail until such time that a Republican gets into office and hopefully pardons you.

    We know she was right. And if it wasn’t all those numbers, it was enough to make a difference. The problem is that we don’t have enough people with guts to follow up on things.

  8. MDshlep: Bottom line means that under our constitutional system and legal system, after all the challenges, protests, conspiracy theories etc, Biden is in the WH as the 47th President while Trump is down in Florida in a make-believe office above the catering storage room in Mar a Lago made to look like the oval office with a presidential seal and screaming gevalt and blaming everyone but himself about why he lost in 2020 and kept the Republicans from making significant Congressional gains in 2022. His only supporters are the true MAGA crazies fired by Fox and finding a home at OAN or NewsMax.

  9. JJ: She wasn’t facing “jail time” in this administrative proceeding. She agreed to censure to avoid suspension of her law license to practice in Colorado. She stipulated to making a number of knowingly false statements, that were subsequently disavowed even by the Republican election officials the relevant states and dismissed by Trump-appointed judges when raised in litigation. She would have been entirely within her rights to argue that same-day voting procedures were unfair to Republicans or were open to fraud, or that had the story about the Hunter Biden laptop not have been suppressed, it could have changed the election outcome. However, a lawyer cannot assert as “facts”, items that had been shown to be untrue, rejected by trial court judges in multiple jurisdictions and could not be proven.

  10. MDSchwecks is correct that GHD’s boasting is exactly the same as a robber boasting that “the bottom line” is that he has the victims’ money.

    It’s exactly like Harry Reid yimach shemo bragging about his vicious evil lies against Romney, openly admitting what he did and saying “It worked, didn’t it?”

    This is more from 1984, the Russian show trials, or the Chinese Cultural Revolution; people forced to “confess” their alleged “crimes”, in return for the privilege of being allowed to continue making a living. It is evil, evil, evil.

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