JUSTICE: Man Who Killed Mrs. Leah Kohn A”H Indicted, Faces 15 Years in Prison

A man has been charged with manslaughter over a hit-and-run accident in Williamsburg which killed Mrs. Leah Kohn a”h. 

Brooklyn DA Eric Gonzalez said that Daniel K. Buckley, of Queens, was responsible for the wrong-way crash at Taylor St. and Kent Ave. on November 28th.

“Instead of stopping to call an ambulance or offer aid, this defendant heartlessly left the scene after he allegedly struck and fatally injured a beloved grandmother and cherished member of the community. After a thorough investigation, we will now seek to hold the defendant accountable for his dangerous and criminal conduct,” Gonzalez said.

The DA noted that Mrs. Kohn A”H had the right-of-way when she was struck by Buckley when he made an illegal turn onto Taylor Street.

Buckley has now been indicted for  manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, three counts of leaving the scene of an incident without reporting, second-degree reckless endangerment, reckless driving, two counts of failure to yield, improper driving on roadways laned for traffic, violating a pedestrian’s right of way in a crosswalk, and making an illegal left turn.

He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Facing up to 15 years means he will get less, then he will be eligible for parole along with good behavior he won’t see close to that

  2. 15 years for heartless death of an innocent law abiding individual innocently waiting to cross the street, and then leaving the scene begets only 15 years; contrast that to Pollard’s and Rubashkin’s lengthy prison terms leaves one to conclude that in the American judicial system, Jewish blood is cheap

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