“I Hate Him Passionately” Tucker Carlson Privately Fumed About Trump

(AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

A new trove of court documents from Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit show that Fox News star Tucker Carlson – who has been one of the most vocally pro-Trump conservatives in public – said privately that he hates Trump and is tired of his antics.

In a text conversation between Carlson and a Fox News staffer just two days before the Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the US Capitol, Carlson wrote, “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can’t wait.”

Carlson also wrote that Trump and his lawyers “have so discredited their own case, and the rest of us to some extent, that it’s infuriating. Absolutely enrages me.”

“That’s the last four years,” Carlson continued. “We’re all pretending we’ve got a lot to show for it, because admitting what a disaster it’s been is too tough to digest. But come on. There isn’t really an upside to Trump.”

In previously released texts from Carlson, the conservative star was shown to have called Trump “a demonic force” on the night of Jan. 6 and worried that Trump would “destroy” Fox News if they didn’t cover his claims the way he wanted them to.

“What [Trump]’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong,” Carlson said.

Carlson also told a staffer that Trump’s refusal to attend Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration was “so destructive” and called it “disgusting” that “millions believe every word he says.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Whats the chiddush?? Anyone with half a brain, included most of the rational conservative world, despised him and his personality cult brand of politics. However, they were willing to set aside their convictions for the $$ and political power that flowed from sucking up to the MAGA crazies. Fox is just one example. Same thing goes on among the left where the extreme progressive zealots carry an outsize weight in decisionmaking and keep pushing more “free stuff” even when the FED is pleading with Congress to stop pouring gasoline on the inflation fires and bloating the deficit.

  2. YWN now has turned into a total trash garbage site, posting low life nochriyish fights. There is nothing “Yeshiva” about this site anymore.

  3. We still haven’t had as president that accomplished so much for Americans as Trump. I am also sickened by his antics, those he exhibited during his presidency and those he continues until today. His personality is quite revolting. This was exacerbated greatly when the Dems fell to a new low in negative campaigning, committing so many injustices and with such extremes of dishoesty. This played into Trump’s emotional state. The Dems, meanwhile, did nothing except for attack Trump through the entire 4 years of his presidency. No useful legislation, no progress on anything. And Biden y”sh came into power with his co-conspirators, and undid most of the accomplishments of Trump.

    If we abandoned the personal attacks of politics, we might actually have campaigns in which voters choose how to vote based on the issues and policies. I miss Trump’s policies, not his personality. If we get another Republican candidate, I would not mind Trump staying in the background to contribute to the direction to make things right.

  4. Carlson is an entertainer who makes outlandish claims in order to keep his ill informed viewers captivated to boost ratings and justify his huge salary from Fox.
    Intelligent people know he’s not a journalist and Fox News is not a news organization.

  5. who care Tucker, your just a paid for hire gentile with a passion for hate…may you be replaced.
    Trump has more gumption in his those old shoes of his than you with new ones…..

  6. Another Daily Beast special… Like many people, there’s a lot of things he likes about Trump and a lot he doesn’t and gets very nervous about. Many people have this roller-coaster relationship with him
    – Not a סתירה

  7. This information was subpoenaed for the 1/6 investigation. Why is it legal for them to then publicize this confidential information?

  8. So what if Tucker Carlson dislikes him. That just makes Trump’s case stronger. By showing tapes without editing them (like the Jan 6 panel did)..we now see that January 6 was a setup all along. Despite Trump’s flaws, he was good to Yidden and Eretz Yisroel. Trump may be coarse, but he tagged murders and terrorists accurately and worked toward defunding the two-faced, murderous PLO. People like Schumer are being proven day after day that they are NOT Shomer Yisroel (as HE used to claim)…and Nancy Pelosi is the REAL phony!

  9. Carlson’s private opinion of Trump’s personality is irrelevant. On screen he reports the news, and this week he exposed a bombshell about what the video footage from Jan 6, 2021 reveals. There was no “insurrection”, and the protest even inside the Capitol was almost entirely peaceful. The overwhelming majority of those inside the Capitol, including the shaman, did nothing wrong and have been railroaded and turned into political prisoners for the Democrat Party’s partisan benefit.

    The fact is that the election was stolen. Trump is a baby, but he was robbed and is rightly aggrieved about it. When he throws a destructive tantrum, at least he’s got something to throw it about.

  10. There’s a dire need here to reconcile the entire brouhaha of Carlson & Trump, given that most of the above YW commenters have been playing in to the media blindness of not recognizing things as they are. Of not calling a spade a spade. Fact is, Carlson’s JUSTIFIEDLY FRUSTRATED PRIVATE comments about Trump AND Trump’s behavior (which, btw, ongoingly provokes such reactions from =everyone= not just Carlson) is no different than what goes on everywhere when you have someone with severe ADHD. People with ADHD tend to trigger a love/hate relationship with society, because who doesn’t love exciting people who stir up action?

    But that’s until the very same society (wherever they may be) become fallouts of the ADHD-person’s irrepressible tongue and behavior. IT GOES WITH THE TERRITORY. I.E. the same “brilliant” behavior which stirs up a “love” relationship, also eventually stirs up a “hate” relationship, OR A SIMULTANEOUS LOVE/HATE RELATIONSHIP. It’s very hard for most people to deal with the instability of “ups and downs”. Most people like steadyness, with just enough of a smattering of excitement to avoid expiring of boredom. Not a steady diet of extremeness, which is exhausting, wearing & tearing emotionally and physically.

    Its THAT is which has been going on. Does that make Trump and his society different than many others out there who have Adult ADHD or who are dealing with ADHD-persons? NO! Does that make Trump as premeditatively-evil as many of the Dems? NO! Can he be traitorious, the way he was toward the Kurds after they were loyal to the Americans vs. Isis? ABSOLUTELY! Was he traitorious with fellow Republicans? ABSOLUTELY! It’s part and parcel of his severe ADHD personality, which was probably not harnessed in his youth.


    And so again, THAT is what it’s been about. See the overview on Amazon of this book:
    Author John Kruse – Recognizing Adult ADHD “What Donald Trump Can Teach Us About ADHD”

  11. Whats even more bizarre that Trump’s narcissistic and deviate behavior are the efforts among some amateur Yiddeshe psychiatrists to rationalize that behavior, especially now that it has intentionally evolved to seek support from known White Supremacists and Anti-semites. Same craziness on the left which contorts itself to explain Biden’s gaffes as just “Joe being Joe. We are a nation blessed with thousands of smart, charismatic and ethical political leaders from both ends of the political spectrum and yet we consistently end up with these geriatric extremes.

  12. And what’s even more bizarre, is that I doubt most members who post here, have the patience to read ONLY the first two paragraphs of:
    that’s on sanfranciscobookreview…

  13. For the benefit of anyone with a smidgen of “Emes” in you, IF you will allow yourselves to absorb it, I’m tacking on below the summation of aforesaid interview, as it’s very relevant to this discussion:

    QUOTE (by Kruse):
    I wanted to reach out, using Mr. Trump, to those who might never read a self-help or psychology book. Combining these topics generates opposition from organized psychiatry (for delving into politics), ADHD groups (for tarnishing the label with Mr. Trump), those on the left (for exonerating what they perceive as the president’s bad behavior) and those on the right (for pointing out unattractive traits). But I also have received support from mental health workers, who have used the book to educate their patients, or who said that they themselves had missed Mr. Trump’s ADHD because they were so consumed by his apparent personality disorders. And individuals with ADHD have praised the book because they felt that it offered some new insights and analyses about the condition not available in other books or blogs. And I have heard from leftists who appreciated how my book made Mr. Trump more comprehensible, and by those on the right who realized that ADHD was both more accurate and less pejorative than the critics who label the president a baby, tyrant, or idiot.

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