WATCH: Jews Of Djerba, Tunisia Burn Effigy of Haman

Jews from the Jewish kehilla in Djerba, Tunisia on Monday, Taanis Esther, carried out its minhag of hanging an effigy of Haman and his ten sons from a tree and burning it.

Djerba, an island off the coast of Tunisia, which some call “the island of Kohanim,” has housed a Jewish kehilla with an unusually high percentage of descendants of Kohanim for over 2,500 years.

There were approximately 100,000 Jews, or 15% of the entire population of Tunisia, living in Djerba in 1940, but currently, there are only about 1,000 Jews living on the island. It is the largest Jewish community in Tunisia and the second largest in the Arab world, after the Jewish kehilla in Casablanca, Morocco, which has between 1,500 to 2,000 members.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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