Hachnosas Kallah For Lakewood Magid Shiur

A Magid Shiur in Lakewood who has dedicated his entire life to Chunuch is making a wedding in the next few days. It was not previously known in what a dire financial situation this Adam Chashuv is currently in. We are not raising funds for anything extravagant. This is LITERALLY for basics, in a cheap wedding hall, with money to pay for the caterer as well as clothing and basic expenses.

Please open your hearts and help this Kallah walk down the Chupa with dignity, and may hashem repay you with Shiduchim in your own family and never have to come on to another person for any assistance.

This fund has the Haskamah of Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, the Rosh Yeshiva of South Fallsburg

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