“SICK STUFF”: Republican Demands the Truth After Bombshell Report About Covid’s Origins

FILE - Dr. Anthony Fauci (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

New Jersey Rep. Jeff Van Drew demanded that Dr. Anthony Fauci come clean over what he knew about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins following an explosive report which said the federal Department of Energy has concluded that the virus most likely escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, though it said it has a “low” level of confidence that that’s definitively what happened.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said he can’t “confirm or deny” the report, which was broken Sunday by the Wall Street Journal.

Van Drew, a former Democrat who joined the Republican Party during the Trump administration, said noted that American taxpayer money helped fund the lab from where Covid-19 is suspected to have leaked from.

“We’re going to dig in the House of Representatives. The House really wants to know true answers,” Van Drew said on Fox News. “These are some of the things we talked about even during the campaign. It’s enough. People are tired. They want a government that tells them the truth. They want a government that works for them. We don’t work for the government. I hate to say it this way, but this is sick stuff.”

“It’s been lie after lie, misinformation after misinformation,” he continued. “And it’s about time we crack this egg open and really find what’s actually going on. What’s most hurtful, not only did the Chinese and we and we know the real truth, poison the world and the United States, I mean, let’s just tell the truth. Hopefully it was an accident. But not only did they do this, but they lied about it. And we have an administration that doesn’t have the guts to go forward and get the truth out of them. And we paid for that part of it all. We paid for the… lab.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. This is a report from the Department of ENERGY (DOE) and it clearly states it has a LOW level of confidence in the findings. While the DOE national labs are the world’s best in nuclear research, advanced physics and materials, etc. epidemiology and virology is not their expertise. Sixteen other federal agencies have split 50-50 on the likely cause. However, this story will certainly provide a day or two of hyperbole for the China-bashers on a slow news day.

  2. Doubtful we will get more confident conclusion short of sending special forces to take over Wuhan lab. The growing opinion that Lab origin is equally or slightly more likely contradicts the “establishment” position at the time that Lab origin is “very unlikely”.

  3. Biden was so publicly gung ho in the beginning announcing he’d fully investigate the cause of this virus. Then crickets.

    My guess he didn’t like were things led to. US and China officials have publicly accused each other for being the source. Efshar eilu v’eilu divrey…

  4. Agree with AAQ; W/0 direct interviews with the Chinese lab personnel, which will never happen unless one of them defects in the future, it will always be speculation. The only area of agreement seems to be the virus was not “manufactured” (i.e. was natural in origin) but there is no concensus even among our experts across multiple intelligence agencies as to whether it was intentionally released from a lab, accidently released from a lab or simply transferred from some animal carrier (aka bats, etc) to humans in the market or somewhere else.

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