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SO PRESIDENTIAL: Trump Testing New Nicknames for DeSantis, Including “Meatball Ron” and “Shutdown Ron”

Donald Trump is reportedly floating several new nicknames for Florida Ron DeSantis as he gears up for a bitter primary battle against the popular Florida governor.

Trump rolled out “Ron Desanctimonious” as his preferred nickname for his top 2024 challenger several months ago, but the nickname hasn’t quite stuck, considering both that it’s a mouthful and has far less appeal than other Trump-minted nicknames like “Crooked Hillary.”

Desperate for one that will stick against DeSantis, Trump is reportedly now testing several different nicknames, including “Meatball Ron” -apparently an attempt to insult his physical appearance – and “Shutdown Ron,” which falsely implies that DeSantis kept Florida in a Covid lockdown longer than was necessary – despite Trump urging governors to keep their shutdowns in place well after DeSantis lifted the one in Florida.

“Since November, despite the criticism he faced at the time, Mr. Trump has periodically hit out at his potential rival, albeit to a relatively small audience,” the New York Times reported. “He posted his most recent innuendo about the governor on Truth Social, where he has just under five million followers. And he has insulted Mr. DeSantis in casual conversations, describing him as ‘Meatball Ron,’ an apparent dig at his appearance, or ‘Shutdown Ron,’ a reference to restrictions the governor put in place at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.”

Meanwhile, DeSantis is preparing for a late May or early June entrance into the 2024 sweepstakes, according to the Times report.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Don may have been a smart man at some point before becoming president. Unfortunately the more he tries his second luck the stupider he gets. Doesn’t he realize he’s bringing his own downfall by nicknaming others?

  2. Why would Desantis give up being governor of Florida just to be vice president? It makes no sense.

    In fact he shouldn’t run for president at all, because Florida needs him more than the USA does. There are others who can be president; there is nobody who can finish the job he has only barely started in Florida. He should not leave a job not even half-done in order to look for another job. Finish the job, make Florida a model for the rest of the country, and then run for president in the future. 2032 or even later. In the meantime there are many Republicans to support. Including Pompeo and Pence.

  3. Does this idiot really believe that his pejorative and childish “nicknames” for his opponents really help him?? Even within the MAGA crowd, there are growing numbers of voters who wish he would disappear so they can look forward to a future of conservative policies w/o this garbage looming over their party.

  4. Does Trump imagine that he could win a beauty competition, that he thinks he can make fun of someone else’s looks?? He’s nothing to write home about, in the looks department, and the only reason a beautiful model married him was to enjoy his billions, not because he’s in any way physically attractive.

  5. “the only reason a beautiful model married him was to enjoy his billions, not because he’s in any way physically attractive…”
    Say it isn’t so Malka! Apparently Stormy Daniels has some sentimental photos of the Donald which she believes may support your thesis. Sadly, these are graphics which are unlikely to get past the censors of even the fake newsites.
    Perhaps someone close to Trump will be successful at an intervention and get him the help he so badly needs. Political candidates have historically used focus groups to identify public policy differences with their opponents that resonated most with voters not to engage in this sick game of finding nicknames to denigrate their physical appearence or in some cases, disabilities.

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