INTERESTING: Sean Hannity Won’t Say if Marjorie Taylor Greene is “Normal or Crazy”

(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Conservative commentator Sean Hannity sidestepped an easy question about lightning rod Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene – just minutes after he interviewed her on his Fox News show.

After the segment with the congresswoman, Hannity was joined by Geraldo Rivera and former Trump advisor Stephen Miller, where they discussed Biden’s State of the Union address and Sarah Sanders’ GOP rebuttal to it.

Rivera juxtaposed Sanders’ remarks that “the dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. the choice is between normal or crazy,” by asking whether Greene is normal or crazy.

“Well Sean, the first thing I’d like to start with is a question our friend, Governor Sanders – the hit of the night – said the world is now divided… it’s not Republican/Democrat right/left, red/blue anymore,” Rivera said. “It’s normal and crazy, normal/crazy. So, I’m gonna ask you, Sean. Which side of that divide – normal/crazy – is Marjorie Taylor Greene? Is she the new normal? Because if she is, the Republicans are not gonna win any more elections.”

“I will answer,” Hannity replied, but then deflected to talking about Democrats.

“The Green New Deal radical socialists are absolutely insane and there’s such thing as a moderate Democrat that exists in Washington or seemingly around the country,” Hannity said. “So, yeah. I would say they’re all crazy, those people that are making policy that stopped building the wall, that stop domestic energy production, those people that believe in defunding, dismantling the police. Those people are crazy, yes, insane, out of their mind.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Who cares what Sean Hannity thinks? He is nothing but a performer. He is not ejected to represent anyone.
    As much as I detest Greene, she has been elected to represent hundreds of thousands of people in her Congressional district, gaining a majority of votes cast.
    Her opinion and vote matters.

  2. Rivera is the one who’s crazy. Greene is stupid, which is a different thing entirely. She’s normal, she believes in the right things, and her attitude at the SOTU was completely appropriate. The GOP could do a lot better than her in her district, but she’s the one the primary voters chose so they have to go with her.

  3. LOL. MTG is stark ravin MAD. An absolute idiot who makes even AOC seem normal.
    @ Milhouse, dear sir, since when did being “stupid” preclude one from being a lunatic as well?

    As someone who is, like most commentors here, repulsed by the lunacy on the left, I cannot be more chagrined that the likes of the republican party are now MTG & Co.

    Take lauren Boubart for example, one of the “up and coming” in the GOP. Did anyone read a Bio on that woman? Is this really the person we are going to call a “representative”? Gosh!

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