TOO MUCH SNOW: Migrants Who Fled NYC for Canada Regretting Their Decision

After fleeing New York City’s drugs and homelessness for Canada, a bunch of illegal immigrants are learning the hard way that Canada isn’t the paradise they expected it to be.

As previously reported on YWN, many migrants who wound up in the Big Apple were so turned off by the city’s rampant drug use and homelessness, they decided to flee for Canada, where they felt it would be quieter and they would have better opportunities.

One migrant who spoke to the New York Post said that he regretted his decision to go up north after just a week. The reason? “Mucha nieve,” meaning “lots of snow.”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams confirmed that the city was helping migrants who want to go to Canada.

“Those who are seeking to go somewhere else — not that we’re pushing or forcing — if they’re seeking to go somewhere else, we are helping in the re-ticketing process,” he said.

“Some want to go to Canada, some want to go to warmer states, and we are there for them as they continue to move on with their pursuit of this dream.”

However, nonprofits helping the migrants say that many of them are being naive about the supposedly gold-lined streets of Canada.

“They think that there are all these jobs up there. They think they’re going to be able to get asylum very easily up there and that’s just not the case,” said nonprofit director Ilze Thielmann.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. “Those who are seeking to go somewhere else — not that we’re pushing or forcing — if they’re seeking to go somewhere else, we are helping in the re-ticketing process,” he said.
    They’re so pathetic and ridiculous! So scared to antagonize the woke mob! It’s hilarious!

  2. Like legal immigrants via Ellis Island, the new illegals will learn the ropes in NYC and then leave for America. Given how fast information flows our days, they learn in a day what took decades a century ago.

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