“I DON’T CLAP FOR LIARS”: MTG Explains Her Heckling of Biden’s State of the Union Address

Firebrand conservative Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said she’s “not sorry one bit” for heckling Joe Biden during his State of the Union address on Tuesday night.

When CNN’s Manu Raju asked Greene if she “took the bait” after Kevin McCarthy said Biden was “goading” Republicans into heckling him, Greene demurred.

“I didn’t take any bait. I’m a representative of the people and that’s exactly what I did last night. As a matter of fact I got so many messages from people in my district and people across the country, it was like I won my election again,” Greene said.

“You know what, people are [angry], and for the president of the United States to come into the people’s house and lie like he did about the economy, the border, and then act like he’s terrified of China and unwilling to talk about the fact that they spied on us last night?” Greene said. “Yeah, he got exactly what he deserved and I’m not sorry one bit.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. She acts like the low class redneck she claims to be. No one asked her to applaud but there is a degree of decorum that has worked in the House and Senate for200+years where the speakers are allowed to proceed w/o interruption, even when the opposition disagrees on the policy statements or believes they are not accurate. The U.S. Congress is not the Knesset or British Parliament where such heckling is routine. Sarah Huckabee had the opportunity to respond afterwards w/o interruption. McCarthy had asked his Republican members to show some derech eretz but a few of the MAGA wingnuts have no self-control.

  2. GHD, you are low class. Greene showed Biden the contempt that he deserved, and followed the precedent that the Dems set with Trump. They were not disciplined, so now the rule is that heckling is allowed. They made their bed, now they must lie it in.

  3. Dorah,

    Does tearing up a speech display a degree of decorum and comity or does it show lack of self-control by a spoiled, lefty hack?

  4. A brazen liar does not deserve respect. Attacking the opposite party is not the norm for a SOTU speech. it’s for a campaign and the opposition must protect themselves from lies in such a forum

  5. Gadolhadorah


  6. jewish space laser burning up california forests
    an ex-president invites neo-nazis for dinner
    you expect decency from these kind of low life people?

  7. Gadol
    Nothing wrong with rednecks, actually they are usually less full of bs than others as they generally don’t care what ppl think of them, hilbilly rednecks are definitely not a politically correct group of ppl.

  8. Yechiell, you’re another liar, just like GHD and Jackk and the rest of that communist cell.

    No Republican ever said anything about “Jewish space lasers”. That is a phrase invented by radical Democrat activists to smear Republicans. Also, Trump did not invite any neo-nazis to dinner, or to anywhere else. You and all Democrats are low-life people, and it’s a chutzpah for you to criticize Republicans, even idiot ones like MTG, let alone Boebert, who is a decent and intelligent person.

  9. Milhouse,

    MTG had posted a facebook post on november 17, 2018,which is no longer available on facebook but a screen print can be found online, where she claimed that the California Forest Fires might be due to space lasers.

    If that is not enough to make you realize that she is an idiot, then nothing will.
    If her sartorial choices don’t make you realize that she is a lowlife, especially the one in this picture, then nothing will.
    If being a good christian and getting a divorce from her husband doesn’t make you realize that she is a lowlife, then nothing will.

    She did not call it a “jewish” space laser but in that facebook post she did offer the possibility that the Rothschild Banking firm was part of a cabal with PG&E in orchestrating the space laser in order for them to profit.
    To quote, “I find it very interesting that Roger Kimmel on the board of directors of PG&E is also Vice-Chairmen of Rothschild Inc. international investment banking firm.”
    That line was written by someone who is an anti-semite.

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