CDC Warns About Eye Drops Linked To Infections, Death

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is advising people to stop using a specific brand of artificial tears called EzriCare due to its possible connection to multiple infections in the U.S. The CDC’s ongoing investigation has found that the majority of those affected had used artificial tears, with EzriCare being the most common brand.

The evidence points to a cluster of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in 11 states, but a definite link has not been established. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in the environment that can cause infections in various parts of the body, including the blood and lungs.

At least 50 cases, resulting in hospitalization, permanent vision loss, and at least one death, have been reported. The CDC has found the drug-resistant bacteria in open bottles of EzriCare, but testing of sealed bottles is still underway.

EzriCare has ceased selling the product and is advising customers against its use until the investigation is complete.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. The corrupt CDC are as phony as a 3 dollar bill. NOW…. they’re suddenly “concerned” but for UNPROVEN vaccines, they don’t give a darn how many thousands of lemechels who took the Covid vaccine dropped dead???!

  2. Major midda of Yehudim is to be thankful.

    Some say, if you can not be thankful to people, how can you be thanksful to Hashem.

    Sometimes, people truly do not notice. Someone woke up early in the morning to make sure there are bagels in the store for you, and there is no ice on the road – you may not know about it. But in a case, where you know there is a possibility that someone helped you, but you are, for whatever reason, not happy with the help, it is your obligation to find out whether you owe gratitude. Just shooting your mouth silly because you heard something on internets is bad.

    Even if you heard it in shul – people who are talking in shul are generally not reliable public health experts.

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