AUDIO: Thousands of Women Attend Lakewood’s Tznius Asifa

ms.jpg(AUDIO LINKS AT END OF ARTICLE) Thousands of women attended a massive Asifa in Lakewood’s Bais Faiga Hall on Sunday night, to strengthen Tznius in the Ir Hatorah of Lakewood. The gathering was a follow-up to the massive gathering of thousands of Lakewood men this past Thursday night at the Bais Faiga Hall – as reported HERE on YWN. The main speakers included Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Rav Mattisyahu Solomon, Rebbitzen Halberstat, and Rebbitzen Rischel Kotler. All speakers spoke in English.

AUDIO LINKS: Click HERE to listen to Rav Mattisyahu Solomon, Click HERE to listen to Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Click HERE to listen to Rebbetzen Halberstat, & Click HERE to listen to Rebbitzen Rischel Kotler.

55.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) A special thanks must be noted for the Lakewood Police Department which was on hand directing traffic to the thousands of vehicles attending the event.


14 Responses

  1. Some may argue that the posting of the esteemed Rebetzen’s speeches on the internet is itself a breach of tznius

  2. The speeches were amazing and the large crowds a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. I really came home inspired and want to thank whoever was in charge of arranging this.

  3. These shiurim are also available on Kol Haloshon

    (718) 906-6400

    Press 1 for English
    Press 8 for Special Topics
    Press 12 for Lakewood Tznius Asifos

    Press 1 for the men’s Asifa
    Press 2 for the women’s Asifa

    Please note under English or Yiddish, Special Topics, we have many shiurim for the 3 weeks and for listening on Tisha B’av

  4. #1(ani oymer)- If you are a man and you choose to listen the the Rebbitzens speeches, than you have a serious Tznius issue. Don’t look for negative in everthing & Dont’ shove the blame onto everyone else.

  5. there are problems with tznius in other cities as well. why aren’t other cities following suit and making asifos?

  6. The audio wont play– the website says:
    “”To view this file, upgrade your account!
    This file is unavailable until Aug. 11, 2008 because the uploader’s account has reached its download limit. You can access it immediately with a DivShare Personal account! “”

  7. to #11 some of us live in Eretz Yisrael!! We could have davened mincha already!

    Beautiful! In the zechos of all these wonderful yidden who care about bringing more kedusha into the world may Moshiach come!

  8. #1 & #8
    Where is the new halacha that a man can not listen to tapes of women speaking? Soon we will not be able to talk to parents or relatives of different genders.

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