WATCH THIS: The Moment a Bystander Disarms California Mass Shooter

Stunning surveillance footage coming out of Monterey Park, California, shows an unarmed bystander grabbing the gun out of the hands of a 72-year-old man who went on a killing spree at a Chinese Lunar New Year celebration, killing 11.

The bystander, Brandon Tsay, said there was “a moment that I actually froze up, because I was – I had the belief that I was gonna die, like my life was ending here, at that very moment.”

Tsay didn’t die, and wound up saving the lives of countless others, too. As the gunman prepped his weapon to shoot everyone at the site – the second dance hall he was targeting – Brandon leapt into action, grabbing the gun away from the demented man.

“When he came in, he said nothing,” Brandon related. “His face was very stoic. His expressions were mostly in his eyes – looking around trying to find people, trying to scout the area for other people.”

After getting away following his murderous spree, the shooter was surrounded by SWAT teams in Torrance, California, on Sunday morning, at which point he shot and killed himself.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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