Columbia Business School Professor Blasts NY State Education Dept For Relying on Faulty Report

Professor Awi Federgruen of Columbia Business School submitted an affidavit to the Albany Supreme Court late last week in response to the State’s reliance on a paper published by an anti-yeshiva group to justify its regulations.

Professor Federgruen wrote that:

“The Commissioner’s inclusion of the report and her reliance on it suggests that it provides a basis and justification for the regulations recently enacted by the State Education Department. A review of the report establishes that it does no such thing.”

Professor Federgruen points out that in response to his prior criticism a lawyer for the anti-yeshiva group acknowledged to a federal court that their report “never claims to be a scientific survey.”

Professor Federgruen also addressed criticisms about Yeshivas receiving public funds, explaining that “using a conservative estimate of the cost to educate public school students leads to the conclusion that the Yeshiva system saves New York taxpayers more than $5 billion annually, and more than $50 billion over a decade.”

Read Professor Federgruen’s entire affidavit below.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Yeh, but yeshiva kids aren’t getting nearly the same education as public school kids! They learn how to do drugs and crime and other illegitimate or less productive things while in school and yeshiva kids learn none of that!

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